Multi-Factor Authentication (2-Step) for Emeriti and Retirees

Security is a top priority at UW Stout and all retirees and emeriti with active email accounts are required to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA/2-Step).

You can enroll in Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), also referred to as 2-Step, using your mobile device. Visit our KnowledgeBase article (Microsoft Authenticator: Enrollment Using a Mobile Device) for step by step directions or view some of the Frequently Asked Questions below to learn more.  

Please contact the Technology Help Desk at or 715-232-5000 for any questions or assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Multi-Factor (MFA) Authentication?

multi factor authentication process diagram

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), also known as 2-Step Authentication provides a second layer of security to any type of login. MFA enhances the security of your account by using a secondary device or additional information to verify your identity when logging into many of our Stout accounts. This prevents anyone but you from accessing your account, even if they know your password. By requiring this additional level of security, we can protect user logins from remote attacks that may exploit stolen usernames & passwords. UW-Stout uses Microsoft Authenticator as a Multi-Factor Authentication solution.

Multi-Factor Authentication (2-Step): Getting Started

What if I don't have a Smart Phone or Mobile Device?

mobile phone authentication

If you do not have a device that will allow you to install the Microsoft Authenticator App, you can use a FOB which is a small device that allows access through a temporary password when a mobile device is not available. Please contact the Technology Help Desk to get a FOB and enroll.

Technology Help Desk 

Will I get prompted for Multi-Factor Authentication every time I check my email?

Outlook sign in

No...Logging into Microsoft Outlook uses a form of 2-Step authentication called "Conditional Access" that will only prompt you if risky scenarios exist. For example: If you are accessing your email from the same device in the same location, you may not be prompted for 2-Step. If you check your email from a new device or a different location, you may be prompted to 2-Step. 

Please note: If you are prompted to 2-Step on your mobile device and you are not attempting to log into your email account, you should deny the login request and contact the Technology Help Desk for assistance.

How will 2-Step change other Log In experiences?

Login Screen

When logging into many of Stout's applications (Library Resources, Canvas, etc.) that are protected by 2-Step, you will still enter your username and password. After inputting your login information, you will be required to complete a method of second-factor authentication (phone or FOB). Think of 2-Step as a layer of security added to your pre-existing login method.

Logging in using 2-Step using a Mobile Device or FOB

How Do I Get Started?

Options for Enrolling:

Contact the Technology Help Desk

 Email Icon PHone icon   Walk In Icon  Computer Icon
 Email  Phone  Location  Self Service Portal  715-232-5000  109 Sorensen Hall  Self Service Ticket


Emails, voicemails, and service requests submitted outside of business hours are returned the next business day


2-Step for emeriti retirees retiree multifactor policy 2step4retirees Microsoft authenticator 
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Heidi C. in UW Stout
UW Stout