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eStout Student Laptop Program: UW-Stout Laptop Theft (or Loss) Procedure

Procedure for reporting a UW-Stout eStout student laptop stolen

Theft (or suspected theft) or other loss of an eStout student laptop must be reported within 48 hours to the University's Technology Help Desk and to the police department in the jurisdiction in which the theft or loss is believed to have occurred. The police report must include the serial number and the make/model of the stolen computer in order to be processed. The Technology Help Desk can provide you with the serial number if you do not know it.

Technology Help Desk: 715-232-5000
Fax: 715-232-2456 (for police reports only, please)

To receive a replacement eStout laptop, students must submit a copy of the police report that includes the serial number of the stolen laptop to the Technology Help Desk. The University will bill the student for the replacement cost of the laptop and accessories. Theft deterrent fees may be applicable per the terms of the eStout Student Laptop Computer Agreement.

RECOVERED LAPTOP:  Lost/Stolen laptops remain the property of UW-Stout. If the equipment is recovered, students must contact the Technology Help Desk within 48 hours of the recovery and return the equipment to the Technology Help Desk.  The police department where the laptop was reported stolen must also be contacted to amend their report.  The amended report will need to be provided to the Technology Help Desk.  Upon receipt of the lost/stolen laptop and the amended police report, a refund of the theft/loss fee and other applicable fees may be refunded.

Questions can be directed to the Technology Help Desk or by email to

Frequently-called numbers: UW-Stout Police: 715-232-2222 and Menomonie Police: 715-232-1283