AccessStout: Add Your Class Schedule to Your Microsoft Outlook Calendar

Download your class schedule from AccessStout and add it to your Microsoft Outlook Calendar.

 A feature has been made available to AccessStout that allows instructors and students to download their class schedule via an iCal file. This can then be imported into your Microsoft Outlook account or other online calendars.


The course schedule added to your Outlook calendar is static, meaning, if you change your course schedule in AccessStout, the changes will not automatically be reflected in Outlook.

  • If the change is minor (i.e. one drop or add), you can modify the calendar as normally would.
  • For extensive changes to your schedule, you may want to delete the current course and repeat the process from the start in AccessStout.

Student Note: Always check AccessStout for any updates or changes to your courses.

Instructor Note: If an instructor has two classes scheduled at the same time such as two sections or undergrad/grad level classes, they may see duplicates on their Outlook calendar. Those duplicates can be deleted in Outlook.

Steps to Email your iCal file from AccessStout to Outlook.


  1. Sign into AccessStout and navigate to the My Schedule page.  Click the View Weekly Schedule button.

    View Weekly Schedule

  2. Click the Printer Friendly Page link.

    Printer Friendly Page Link

  3. Click the Send iCal button.

    Send iCal

  4. A Message box will appear. Click the OK button.

    Messag Box Click OK

  5. Go to your Outlook Inbox and look for an email from Follow the directions in the email to add your Weekly Calendar from AccessStout to your Outlook Calendar.  An example of the email with the iCal attachment is displayed below for your reference.

    Your Access Stout class schedule is attached. To import this iCal to your Office 365 account, you can use either the Outlook desktop client or the Outlook Web App.

    If you are using the Outlook desktop client

    1. Double-click the attachment to open it.
    2. If you are asked to open this calendar as a new calendar or import, select Import.
    3. If you are asked to add his internet calendar to Outlook, select Yes to continue and then click Save & Close.

    If you are using the Outlook Web App

    1. Right-click the attachment and select Add to Calendar.
    NOTE: The course schedule in your new Office 365 calendar is static; meaning, if you change your course schedule in Access Stout, the changes will not automatically be reflected in Office 365.
    • If the change is minor (i.e. one drop or add), you can modify the calendar as you normally would.
    • For extensive changes to your schedule, you may want to delete the current courses and repeat the process from the start in Access Stout.
    If you have questions regarding this process, please contact the Technology Help Desk at 715-232-5000 or

    Email Example:

    Outlook Email Example


  1. Sign into AccessStout and navigate to the My Class Schedule page.  Select the term that you want to view. Click on Continue.

    STudent Select Term

  2. Choose Weekly Calendar View

    Wekly Calendar View

  3. Click the Printer Friendly Page link.

    Student view of Printer Friendly page

  4. Click the Send iCal button.

    Send iCal

  5. A Message box will appear. Click the OK button.

    Messag Box Click OK

  6. Go to your Outlook Inbox and look for an email from Follow the directions in the email to add your Weekly Calendar from AccessStout to your Outlook Calendar.  An example of the email with the iCal attachment is displayed below for your reference.

    Your Access Stout class schedule is attached. To import this iCal to your Office 365 account, you can use either the Outlook desktop client or the Outlook Web App.

    If you are using the Outlook desktop client

    1. Double-click the attachment to open it.
    2. If you are asked to open this calendar as a new calendar or import, select Import.
    3. If you are asked to add his internet calendar to Outlook, select Yes to continue and then click Save & Close.

    If you are using the Outlook Web App

    1. Right-click the attachment and select Add to Calendar.
    NOTE: The course schedule in your new Office 365 calendar is static; meaning, if you change your course schedule in Access Stout, the changes will not automatically be reflected in Office 365.
    • If the change is minor (i.e. one drop or add), you can modify the calendar as you normally would.
    • For extensive changes to your schedule, you may want to delete the current courses and repeat the process from the start in Access Stout.
    If you have questions regarding this process, please contact the Technology Help Desk at 715-232-5000 or 

    Outlook Email Example


access stout accessstout people soft peoplesoft 365 weekly calendar ical 
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Owned by:
Heidi C. in UW Stout
UW Stout