PaperCut Client (Windows): Fac/Staff PaperCut Client Install
How to install and use the PaperCut client if you are a faculty or staff and you have access to print to multiple department accounts.
- Click on the Start button (Blue Windows icon) at the bottom left of your screen.
- In the search bar, search for Software Center and open it.
- Find and select the PaperCut MF Client.
- On the next page, select Install.
- Once install is complete. Search for the Papercut MF Client and open it. Once launched it will stay running. (We are working on getting this to start on login, but for the time being, it will need to be launched manually.)
- If a window with your Balance opens, you can safely close it. You can tell if the Papercut Client is running by checking your task bar, there should be a green Papercut icon, you may need to click the up arrow to show additional icons.
- Send a print job like usual.
- A pop up will appear asking which account you’d like to charge the print job to. Select the appropriate account and then select Print.