How to Set Up and Grade Extra Credit on a Canvas Quiz

This page is meant to show how you can implement extra credit questions in a Canvas quiz. Canvas Quizzes do not have a built-in extra credit option, but there are multiple ways to assign additional credit in the Canvas learning management system. This method shows how to assign extra credit to specific questions within the Classic Quiz tool by using SpeedGrader.

Creating the Questions

  1. Click New Question and create your extra credit question in your quiz just like regular questions. Students won't see the question titles (the upper-left box in the question editor), so it would be best to indicate that a question is for extra credit in the Rich Content Editor of the question, or by inserting a Text (no question) question type at the start of your extra credit section.

    Question type box with Text no question highlighted

  2. On the upper-right of the question box, change the point value to say 0 points. By doing this, students who get the question incorrect or don't answer it at all won't get docked points on their final score.

    Question points highlighted to show 0 points

  3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until you have entered all of your extra credit questions. Remember to click Update Question after creating your questions, and Save at the bottom of the quiz editor page to save your updates. 

Grading the Questions

  1. After the quiz closes to the students, open up SpeedGrader on the upper-right of the quiz page.

    SpeedGrader button highlighted from quiz page

  2. Scroll down to the extra credit question(s). Change the score in the extra credit question(s) to the number of points you wish to give the student on that question. The question will automatically list zero points earned regardless of whether the student answered correctly, incorrectly, or not at all.
    1. Questions with definitive answers (multiple choice, true/false, matching, etc) will be marked correct or incorrect like usual. If they answered correctly, replace the 0 with the number of extra credit points you would like to award them on that question.
    2. Judgment questions (essay and short answer) are up to your discretion in the same way that manually graded questions are. SpeedGrader will tell you these questions need reviewing just like it does with all essay question types.

      Points highlighted in speedgrader to show change to 1 point

  3. Click Update Scores at the bottom of the page when you have finished updating their extra credit question scores.

    Update scores button at bottom of speedgrader quiz page
  4. Use the SpeedGrader navigation options on the upper-right to move on to the next student's quiz submission and repeat Steps 5 and 6.

    Arrows highlighted at top of speedgrader to switch between students

Canvas Extra Credit Quiz SpeedGrader 
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Caitlyn M. in UW Stout
UW Stout