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SORH 205: How to start your Teams meeting and show content
Installed during the 24-25 Winterm, SORH 205 has a Microsoft Teams interface. This allows users to let the room manage the Teams meeting, while their laptop is used solely for content.
The SORH 205 Teams calendar is used only for Teams meetings, not for scheduling. To schedule the room contact Lori Sweitzer at, or 715/232-5320.
(Beginning the fall of 2025 room scheduling for SORH 205 will be done by Registration and Records via EMS, but you will still need to schedule your Teams meeting)
Once you have your reservation confirmation, you will need to schedule the Teams meeting adding SORH 205 as a participant, not as a room. See KB #148296 "How to schedule a Teams meeting in SORH 205".
This KB entails the basic instructions. More information about Microsoft Teams can be found at
Sharing content without a Teams meeting
- Upon entering the room you will see a touch panel on the teaching station.
- Touch it anywhere to start the system, the monitors and projectors will power on.
- Touch it anywhere to start the system, the monitors and projectors will power on.
- If you are not hosting a Teams meeting and only showing content, plug your laptop into the HDMI cable.
- The system will automatically share your screen and duplicate it on all screens.
- When you are finished, unplug your laptop. The system will shut off in 10 minutes if it gets no signal.
- The system will automatically share your screen and duplicate it on all screens.
Starting your Teams meeting and sharing content
- Upon entering the room you will see a touch panel on the teaching station.
- Touch it anywhere to start the system, the monitors and projectors will power on.
- Touch it anywhere to start the system, the monitors and projectors will power on.
- Start your meeting by pressing Join on the touch panel.
- Your meeting will start with the system cameras and microphone unmuted, touch each button to mute them if desired.
- People in the room can join and manage the meeting on their laptop, but they MUST mute their microphone and speakers!
- There are 3 microphones in the room: a handheld, clip-on, and tabletop.
- The handheld and clip-on mics should be in pouches on top of the rack below the teaching station.
- The handheld and clip-on mics should be in pouches on top of the rack below the teaching station.
- To activate the tabletop mic, push the button labeled Push, the green light indicates it is live.
- To show content from your laptop, plug the HDMI cable into your laptop, it will automatically share to the content screen.
- If muted, unmute the video and audio to start your meeting.