Kaltura: How to add a Kaltura Capture/My Media Video into a Canvas Assignment (Students)

This articles provides instructions on how students add a Kaltura Capture/My Media video into an assignment in Canvas.

Once you have recorded a video with Kaltura Capture and/or have uploaded a video into your My Media account, you can easily add the video to an Assignment in Canvas using the following steps:

  1. Open the Assignment that you want to submit the video to.

    Canvas Assignment link

  2. Click the Start Assignment button.

    Canvas Start Assignment Button

  3. Select the Text Entry tab and select Tools > Apps > My Media.

    If My Media is not an option, you will need to select View All first and then select My Media from the list of Apps.

    Canvas Text Entry Tab Apps My Media

  4. Within the My Media window, find the video you wish to submit, and click the Embed button.

    My Media Window Embed Button

  5. Once your video has been embedded, take a moment to review it, enter any comments (if necessary), and click the Submit Assignment button.

Canvas Text Entry Submit Assignment

canvas, embed, my media, kaltura, kaltura capture, rich content editor, insert, video, media, share, 
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Lexi S. in UW Stout
UW Stout