eStout Student Laptop Program: Laptop Eligibility

eStout Eligibility and Credit Requirements

Eligibility Standards

The following eligibility standards apply to the eStout program:

Degree seeking, undergraduate students must be registered for one qualifying undergraduate credit to participate in the eStout program and receive a laptop computer.

Special students (non-degree seeking-coded by Admissions) must be registered for a minimum of three (3) or more eligible credits.

Graduate credits and Customized Tuition credits are not part of the eStout program. These credits do not apply towards eligibility. If taking prerequisite undergraduate courses as a graduate student, eStout Fees will be waived. 

On-line (CI) Students Customized Instructional credits do not qualify for the laptop program.

Participation in the eStout program is not optional. If registered for qualifying eStout credits the per-credit fee will be assessed. Opting not to pick up the laptop will not result in removal of the per-credit fee.

Checking Laptop Eligibility

Students can check their own laptop eligibility in the Student Center of Access Stout

  1. Log into Access Stout
  2. Navigate to the Student Center
  3. Click eStout Laptop Eligibility (in the Academics section)

Click eStout Laptop Eligibility

Example eligibility messages:

"You are ELIGIBLE, this semeter, for an eSout laptop because you have met the UG campus credit requirement"
"You are NOT eligible for an eStout laptop because you are being billed for Customized Instruction tuition, which excludes eStout fees."

Eligbility Messages

Questions about eligibility should be directed to

eligible opt-out opt in out am I get receive who computer issued pick up 
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Owned by:
Krista R. in UW Stout
UW Stout