Outlook (Mac): Scheduling Meeting Rooms

How to schedule a meeting in Outlook for Apple software.
  1. In the Outlook application, click on the calendar icon on the left side of the screen.

    Calendar Icon within Oulook Application

  2. Navigate to the preferred date of your meeting and right click the date.

    Calendar date options for a new event within the Outlook Application

  3. Select New Event within the right-click menu.

    New Event button

  4. Name the Event and Select the Time.

    Event or meeting options including invitees, location, date and time, and name

  5. Select a Location for the Meeting by Searching the Directory for the preferred meeting room.

    Searching the location direcotry for the preferred meeting room

  6. Select Save, and then Select Send.

    Send button within Outlook Calendar Event Settings

  7. If the room is available, you will get an accepted email.

    Image of acceptance email.

  8. If the room is unavailable, you will get a declined email.

    Image of declined email.

Office Suite, room email, reservation, reserve, reserved, schedule, scheduled, meet 
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Jack B. in UW Stout
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