Outlook (Web App): Create or Delete Rules
This article tells how to create or delete rules for your outlook mail box.
To create or delete rules for the Outlook mailbox, follow these steps:
1. Open the Outlook Web app, at outlook.office365.com
2. In the upper right, click the gear icon to open the Settings menu.
3. At the bottom of the new menu, select View All Outlook Settings.
4. On the left, select Mail > Rules.
5. Click + Add New Rule to create your new rule.
Rules can be added or removed from the inbox. For instance, you can create a rule that says "If sender = doej1234 them move to the junk folder." The rules are processed in the order they are listed in your settings. This means if there is are rules that move important emails to its respective folder and one rule that deletes any emails that are left, then the delete everything rule should be last on the list.