Topics Map > Service Catalog > Telecommunications services > Network systems > Wireless Connections

Connect to eduroam WiFi network (Android)

This article walks though how to connect to eduroam on an Android Device.

Before you begin:

These instructions are made to be as general as possible for the multiple types of Android devices and OS versions that exist. If you run into any issues, please reach out to the Technology Helpdesk.


  1.  Open Settings:

    Example of settings icon

  2. On the Settings screen, tap the Connections heading:

    Settings Screen

  3. On the Connections Screen, tap on the Wi-Fi heading:

    Connections Screen

  4. Tap eduroam from the list of available networks to enter your credentials:

    Available Networks Screen

  5. You will now need to enter the WiFi settings available to you;
    Please note that all Android phones and OS versions are different. You may not see all of these options on your individual device:
    • Encryption: PEAP
    • Authentication Type: MSCHAPv2
    • CA Certificate: Don't Validate or Use System Certificates if that is not an option
    • Domain (if asked): (usually asks for this if you selected Use System Certificates for the option above)
    • Online Certificate Status: Don't Validate
    • Identity:
      • For staff, use your Stout email;
      • For students, your Stout student email but without the "my." that you would normally use in your student email;
        i.e. instead of
        • Note: if you're unable to log in with the appended to your username while on campus, try removing that and just use your regular username (all the stuff before the @ symbol in your email)
    • Anonymous Identity (if asked): leave this field empty
    • Password: use your normal Stout password
    • Auto reconnect: enabled (so you don't have to manually reconnect or re-enter this info every time)

      Login Screen

  6. Tap Connect - it will light up when the settings above are entered correctly.

You should now be connected to eduroam!

network eduroam stout secure android wi-fi wifi connect 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Isaiah K. in UW Stout
UW Stout