Canvas: Downloading/Installing Respondus LockDown Browser (Students)

Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom browser that enables instructors to secure the testing environment in Canvas, helping to prevent cheating. While using it, students are unable to copy, print, access other applications, or browse other websites during an online quiz or exam. This knowledgebase article includes detailed instructions on how to download and install Respondus LockDown Browser and how to take a quiz or exam using Respondus LockDown Browser.

Canvas offers two quizzing tools, Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes, both of which can be configured to require Respondus LockDown Browser. Many instructors provide a practice quiz that requires Respondus LockDown Browser. This gives students the opportunity to download and install the software, practice using it, and confirm that everything is functioning properly.

To download/install Respondus LockDown Browser: 

  1. For Classic Quizzes, access the quiz/exam that requires Respondus LockDown Browser:

    1. Click the Take the Quiz button

      Respondus LockDown Browser download page.

    2. Select the Download Respondus Lockdown Browser link. This will take you to the Respondus Lockdown Browser download page. Go to Step 3 below.

      Respondus LockDown Browser Required

  2. For New Quizzes, access the practice quiz/exam that requires Respondus LockDown Browser:
    1. Click on the "latest version" link. This will take you to the Respondus Lockdown Browser download page. Go to Step 3 below.

      Respondus LockDown install link New Quizzes

  3. Select Windows or Mac version:

    1.  If you are using a Windows operating system, select DOWNLOAD.

      Respondus LockDown Browser Download page for Windows

    2. If you are using a Mac, click on Do you need the Mac version?, then select DOWNLOAD.

      Respondus LockDown Browser Download page for Macs

    3. Once the application has been downloaded, locate the LockDownBrowser-xxx-164414303.exe file. Double-click on this file to run the installation process. Follow the onscreen instructions.

To take a quiz or exam using Respondus LockDown Browser (once installed):

  1. For Classic Quizzes:

    1. Students using Windows: Go to your desktop, launch Respondus Lockdown Browser, access the quiz/exam, and click Take this Quiz button.

    2. Students using Macs: Go to your Applications folder, launch Respondus Lockdown Browser, access the quiz/exam, and click Take this Quiz button.

  2. For New Quizzes:

    1. Students using Windows and Macs: Go into your Canvas course, access the quiz/exam, open Respondus LockDown Browser, and click the Begin button.

quizzes, quiz, exam, exams, secure, Respondus lockdown, lock down, lockdown, locked, Respondus 
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