Canvas: Show Students Scoring Details for a Canvas Assignment as an Instructor

This document explains how users enrolled in a Canvas course as Teacher can allow students to see scoring details for some graded assignments.

Students can view Scoring Details for some of their graded assignments in Canvas. Scoring details include three useful metrics: mean, high, and low scores for the assignment.

Students can click into the Grades panel to see Scoring Details box plots when available. The Show All Details and Hide All Details button will toggle visibility for available Scoring Details.

Instructors must do the following to allow students to see Scoring Details for an assignment:

  • Allow Scoring Details at the course level. Instructors can hide grade distribution scoring details from students for an entire course using the Course Settings panel. Leave the “Hide grade distribution graphs from students” Settings box unchecked.
  • Grade at least five submissions. Scoring Details depend on at least five submissions being graded. If fewer than five students have submitted work or fewer than five assignment submissions have been graded, Scoring Details will not display for students for that assignment.

For more details on how students view grades in Canvas, including scoring details, review this Canvas Guide: How do I view my grades in a current course?

Keywordscanvas assignment grades student instructor teacher settingsDoc ID94874
OwnerMichael M.GroupUWSA DLE
Created2019-10-08 11:54:39Updated2024-04-05 08:41:35
SitesUW Parkside, UW Stout, UW System Administration DLE, UW-La Crosse
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