Inverting PowerPoint Slides

One accommodation that students with visual impairments might need is to have PowerPoint slides improved for readability.

Recommended Formatting:

  • Size 20 pt font
  • Black background with white font
  • Sans Serif font (Ex: Arial, Helvetica, Calibri)
  • Invert image/graph coloring

How to Invert Slide Formatting:

1. Open the slideshow that you need to adjust and go to the first slide.

Font menu

2. Make sure that the smallest font size is above 20 pt and that you are using a Sans Serif font (see above).

PowerPoint Slide preview without adjustments.
3. Highlight the font (ctrl + a) and change the font color to white.

Slide Design Tool

4. Click off the text or images that you may have selected so nothing is selected on the slide and click on the Design tab on the ribbon.

Non-inverted Slide Sample

5. In the Customize group, select Format Background.

Design menu

6. In the Format Background menu, change the Fill to Solid Fill and the Color to Black.

Format Background Menu. Choosing you type of Fill.

7. At this point your slide should be readable and inverted. Repeat for each slide in the PowerPoint. The next step is to invert the images on each slide.

Inverted slide

How to Invert Images:

1. Right click on the slide that you need to invert and select Save as Picture. Name the file so you can remember which slideshow and slide the image came from.

Saving as picture
2. Go to where you saved the photo and select Open With > Paint

Opening saved file with Paint
3. Select the image (ctrl + a). You will know it is selected when there is a dashed line on the border of the image.

Select image.

4. Right click on the selected image and select Invert Color

Inverting color

5. Save the finished image.

Inverted photo saving

6. Go back to the PowerPoint and insert the inverted image by going to the Insert tab and clicking on Pictures.

Inserting your inverted image
7. Finish by resizing the image and placing it in the correct location on the slide.
Inverted slide preview

8. Repeat for the remaining images in the slideshow.

disability services, visual impairment, powerpoint, power point, slideshow, accommodations 
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Owned by:
Marty W. in UW Stout
UW Stout