Adobe Versions for Lab Compatibility

Table of Adobe version/build numbers currently installed in computer labs.

Computer labs on campus are locked into a single version of the Adobe suite for the academic year. Students, however, have the option to upgrade when new versions are released. We recommend all students that depend on Adobe applications for courses to match the versions installed in the computer labs.

Please keep in mind that minor updates may not be immediately deployed to the lab. For example if Photoshop 20.0.8 comes out and is available on your laptop, it will still be compatible with the lab version at 20.0.7. Any major updates, such as Photoshop 21.x.x may have compatibility issues when moving between laptop and lab computers.

 Adobe Application  Windows Mac 
 Adobe Acrobat DC 21.007.2099 21.005.20048
 Adobe After Effects 2021 18.4.1 18.4.1
 Adobe Animate 2021  21.0.9 21.0.9
 Adobe Audition 2021 14.4  14.4
 Adobe Bridge 2021 11.1.1 11.1.1
 Adobe Character Animator 2021 4.4 4.4
 Adobe Dreamweaver 2021 21.1 21.2
 Adobe Illustrator 2021 25.4.1 25.4.1
 Adobe InCopy 2021 16.4 16.4
 Adobe InDesign 2021 16.4 16.4
 Adobe Lightroom 5.1 5.1
 Adobe Lightroom Classic 11.1 11.1
 Adobe Media Encoder 2021 15.4.1 15.4.1
 Adobe Photoshop 2021 22.5.4
 Adobe Prelude 2021 10.1 10.1
 Adobe Premiere Pro 2021 15.4.1 15.4.1
 Adobe Premiere Rush  1.5.62 1.5.62
 Adobe XD 45.162.3

We recommend following Adobe's documentation for "How to retain previous versions of your app" at the beginning of every semester, which is located at the bottom of this page:

If you have already updated past the recommended version, the same document on Adobe's page will help you re-install an older version.

Keywordsadobe, creative cloud, student, after effects, animate, audition, bridge, character animator, dreamweaver, illustrator, incopy, indesign, lightroom, media encoder, photoshop, prelude, premiere, lab, laptop   Doc ID96729
OwnerJeremy N.GroupUW Stout
Created2019-12-19 09:35:05Updated2024-01-16 10:27:51
SitesUW Stout
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