Canvas: Making Quiz Accommodations for Students (Classic Quizzes)

Instructors may receive exam/quiz requests from Disability Services to make accommodations to extend the time limit on student quiz attempts. This guide will walk you through the process of assigning a quiz/exam to an individual student and how to extend the time limit using the Classic Quizzes tool in Canvas.

For students who need additional time on a quiz or need to take a quiz at a different time, you will need to do two things:

Step 1: Add a separate "Assign to" section for the student with an adjusted ending availability date for extended time. If you need to set a completely different time, also add a new due date and starting availability time.

Step 2: Moderate the quiz to give the student the extra time needed.

The instructions below go through how to add a separate "Assign to" section and how to moderate the quiz.

Step 1. Add a Separate "Assign to" section

  1. When you create a new quiz/exam, set the time limit on the quiz you want to apply to all of your students. Note: You will add additional time for your students with accommodations in "Step 2: Moderate the Quiz..." below.

  2. Set the general availability of your quiz. The quiz will auto-submit at the end of the availability (Until) time. For example, for a 10 minute timed quiz, you can make the quiz available between 11:00 am - 11:15 am, and the students can start the quiz right at 11:00 and the quiz will auto-submit at the end of the 10 minute time limit. If the student does not start the quiz until 11:10, the quiz will still auto-submit at 11:15 because that is the ending availability time.

  3. Add Availability time for the student who needs extra time. The availability for your quiz needs to include your student’s extended time. You can set the availability for your entire class to include the extended time, or you can add a separate availability time for your student with accommodations by clicking Assign To, as shown below. In this screenshot, the entire class, "Everyone" is assigned a due date, beginning availability and ending availability.

    Assignment Add Assign To Button

  4. Click Assign To to add a separate set of "Assign to" dates for a student.

  5. When you click Assign To, you will see a list of your students and any sections in your class. Search for and select the student who needs extra time by entering their name in the "Assign to" box. Note: you can add multiple students here if they all need the same accommodation. Adjust the available from, due date and ending availability (Until) date. The ending availability (Until) date needs to include the extra time granted to the student. For example, for a student who gets 1.5 time for a 10 minute quiz, you would extend the ending time by 5 minutes.

    Assignment Assign To Extended Until Time

    Once you have added the separate student "Assign to" section, you will see your original "Assign to" has changed to "Everyone else". Students only see the dates assigned to them, they do not see who has been assigned different times. 

Step 2: Moderate the Quiz to add extra time for a student

  1. Publish the quiz. In order to moderate the quiz for your students with accommodations, the quiz must be published. If the Availability date is set in the future, your students will not receive a notification. Once you’ve extended the time for your student(s) with accommodations, you can unpublish the quiz and continue editing it. 

    Note: You must moderate the quiz to add extra time before students start taking the quiz. You can't add extra time once they have started taking the quiz.

  2.  Select the Moderate This Quiz link in the upper right corner. You'll see a list of your students. 

    moderate this quiz link

  3. Click on the pencil icon to the right of the student’s name to edit.

    Moderate Quiz Edit Icon

  4. Add extra time in the "Extra time on every attempt" box by typing in the number of extra minutes the student with accommodations should receive for the exam and click Save. For a 50 minute class period, a student with 1.5x will get 25 extra minutes. For a 75 minute class period, a student with 1.5x will get 38 extra minutes. In this example of a 10-minute quiz, a student with 1.5x will get 5 extra minutes.

    add extra time on student attempt

  5. Verify the time extension. Once you have extended the student’s time, you can verify that you have extended the time underneath the student’s name.

    Moderate Quiz Verify Time Extension

Note: Quiz availability dates still apply when moderating a quiz. If the ending availability (Until) date passes when students are taking the quiz with extended time, the quiz auto-submits even if the student’s time extension has not expired. You can edit the quiz (see Step 1) to extend the availability date.

Time limit, extend time, extended time, attempt, Quiz, Quizzes, Classic Quizzes, Accommodations, Moderate, Moderating, Disability Services, dates 
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Lexi S. in UW Stout
UW Stout