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SharePoint and Teams: Creating a Team using an Existing SharePoint Site.

This article will show you how to leverage SharePoint sites that you already have to create Teams.

Creating a Team Using an Existing Office 365 Group/SharePoint site

Aka: "Teamafying" a group

Assumptions:  You are the owner of the Office 365 Group (if you are unsure what an Office 365 Group is or how to confirm whether you own any, skip to the section called "Office 365 Groups" below.

  1. Open the Teams Desktop app.

    Open Teams app

  2. In the Teams app, click the Teams icon in the left hand navigation ribbon.

    Click Teams Icon

  3. Now you will see a list of your teams.  At the bottom of that list, you will see the Join or create a team button.  Click this button. 

    Click join or create a team

  4. Click Create a team

    Click create team

  5. Choose a type.  (Staff is the most commonly used) 

    Choose team type

  6. IF BOTH of the below are true, then you will see the option to Create a team from an existing Office 365 group at the bottom of the Create your team window.
    1. IF YOU are the OWNER of a SharePoint site that has a Office365 group associated with it
    2. IF the Office 365 group does not already have a Team associated with it.  (see: Office 365 Groups below)

      Create a team from existing office group option

  7. Click Create a team from an existing Office 365 group.
  8. A list will appear containing all of the Office 365 groups which you are an owner, and for which NO Team exists.  Select the group you would like to "Teamafy", then click the Choose team button.

NOTE:  If the Group you are looking for does not appear in this list, then either 6a. or 6b. is not true. 

choose the group to use for your team

Wait a few moments while your team is created.  When Teams is finished, your new Team will appear under your list of Teams

Wait while teams creates the Team

Office 365 Groups

  1. In OUTLOOK, click on your Groups to expand the list (if it is not already expanded)

    In Outlook click groupsSelect the group

  2. Select a group.  Then look to the toolbar at the top of the outlook window. Select Group Settings

    select group settings

  3.  If Edit Group is disabled, you are NOT an owner for this group.  You will not see this group as an option if you are trying to use it to create a Team.

    Owner                                      Not an Owner

    Owner, Edit group is enabled       Not an owner, Edit group disabled

  4. To find your group Owners, look just below the Toolbar on the right hand side of your Outlook window.  Click on the number of members the to expand the member list.

    Click on number of members to expand

  5. The member list will be in alphabetic order based on member status.  Owners will be listed FIRST in alpha order.  Members will be listed in alpha order beginning after owners.

    In the image below, the owners are in the green box.  Note they are in alpha order.  Members are in the red box, notice the alphabetization begins again with the member list.

owners sorted in alpha order first, then members are sorted in alpha order

KeywordsSharePoint; Teams; Office365; Outlook group; Owner; Group; Office 365 group   Doc ID98285
OwnerHeidi C.GroupUW Stout
Created2020-02-27 13:33:40Updated2024-02-26 10:17:07
SitesUW Stout
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