Kaltura - How do I Add a Co-Publisher, Add a Co-Editor, or Change Owner

The owner of a Kaltura video can give other users permissions to edit their videos, permission to publish those videos into Canvas courses, or entirely transfer ownership of their videos to another user.

Add Co-Editor or Co-Publisher

See Kaltura's video guide to the process, or Kaltura's Add Collaborator guide: 
Once you've given another user Co-Publishing rights to a video, they can insert it in Canvas (or elsewhere) by following the steps in: Kaltura - Inserting Videos in Canvas.
One you've given another user Co-Editor rights to a video, they can trim, clip, chop, or add quizzes to it by following the steps in: Kaltura Video Editing Tools - User Guide. They can also add or edit captions by following the steps in: Kaltura (Captioning) - Adding and Editing Captions

Change Ownership

For step-by-step instructions on transferring ownership of Kaltura videos, see Kaltura's Change Media Owner guide.


If you can't add a specific user as Co-Editor, Co-Publisher, or Owner, the most common issue is that their Kaltura account doesn't exist yet because they've never logged in to Kaltura. Please ask the user to use their University of Wisconsin credentials to log in to https://mediaspace.wisconsin.edu/. Once they've done this, you should be able to add them to the video.

publish, collaborate, edit, share, transfer, collaboration
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Jason Z. in UWSA DLE
UW Green Bay, UW Parkside, UW Stout, UW System Administration DLE, UW-La Crosse, UW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning