News and Announcements

Windows and Office 365 Updates

Posted: 2020-12-20 15:00:08   Expiration: 2021-02-01 15:40:08

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2020-12-20 15:00:08. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

During the next few weeks LIT will be making some changes to Windows 10 machines

During the next few weeks LIT will be making some changes to Windows 10 machines that will provide a tighter integration between your computer and Office 365This update will be rolled out across campus over time to different groups and the plan is to have all Windows machines updated prior to the start of Spring semester. 

This change will allow LIT to facilitate all Office updates and configurations with Intune. This will help ensure that computers receive consistent updates and run the same versions. With this change, updates will also be applied to computers off campus without having to be connected to VPN. 

The easiest way to know that these changes have taken effect is that your photo in Office 365 will now show up on the login screen of their computer. 


The following are some additional changes that people should expect to see: 

  • Your profile photo that you use in Office 365 will now show up on the login screen of your computer. 
  • People should expect to see changes to their Start Menu. 
  • Internet Explorer and Skype for Business will be removed from Start Menu. 
  • Edge and Teams will be added to the Start Menu. 
  • People may also lose access to the office temporarily.  (If any of your office programs are missing, please leave your computer on and remain connected to the internet. The updated version will automatically be installed.) 

-- UW Stout
KnowledgeBase: Heidi Catlin