BP Logix: Completing or Deleting a Saved Form
For longer forms, you may have the option to save and close a form. These instructions will assist you in locating your saved form so you can complete and submit the form. A form is not submitted until the submit button is clicked.
Upon clicking the Save and Close button, your form will immediately be saved and you will be routed back to your BP Logix home page.
On your home page, you will see your task list on the left-hand side.

In your task list, you will see the form you just saved listed. There will be a note under the form name that states "You have not completed this form". To complete and submit OR delete your form, you can click this item in your task list.
To Complete the form:
Complete any required fields, then you will be able to submit the form.
If you try to submit a form that is missing required fields, you will see an error message which will indicate the field names you've missed.
To Delete the form:
Simply click the "Cancel and Delete" button at the bottom of the form.