Sharepoint and Teams: Sync Document Library with File Explorer

How to sync a SharePoint or Teams document library with Windows File Explorer

Sync a Document Library from Teams

  1. Open the document library you would like to sync.

  2. At the top of the document library, select Sync.

    Sync button location in Teams

  3. You will get a pop up message advising that Teams is Getting Ready to Sync.

    Pop-up message from Teams

  4. Once synced, the document library will now be available in the File Explorer under University of Wisconsin - Stout.

    Sync location

Sync a Document Library from SharePoint

  1. Go to the SharePoint site document library that you would like to sync.

    Example of sharepoint document library location

  2. At the top of the documents library, select Sync.

    Sharepoint sync button location

  3. You will most likely get a prompt to Open Microsoft OneDrive. Select Open Microsoft OneDrive.

    Example of "Open Microsoft" prompt

  4. Once synced, the document library will now be available in the File Explorer under University of Wisconsin - Stout.

    File Explorer location


To remove the synced folder DO NOT simply delete the folder, this will delete the entire Teams or SharePoint site.
To remove a synced folder, follow these directions: SharePoint: Removing Synced SharePoint Libraries from File Explorer

sharepoint share point teams ms microsoft sync map files folder windows 
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Jack B. in UW Stout
UW Stout