On Campus Printing Installation (Mac): Student SOAD Digital Print Lab printer install

How to install the SOAD DLP printers with advanced features

Install Print Drivers

    1. Download the appropriate driver by clicking the model number below.
    2. Canon ImagePress C650 APPA_119_ImagePress_1 
    3. Canon ImageRunner C5735 APPA_119_ImageRunner_1
    4. Once download is completed, navigate to the Downloads folder on your Mac.
    5. Find the file downloaded above. If the file is zipped, unzip the file and double click the .dmg file.
    6. Double click on the .pkg file to start the install.
    7. Click Continue.

      1. Fiery installer

    8. Click Continue again for the Software License Agreement.
    9. Click Agree to the Terms of software license license agreement.
    10. Click Install .
    11. If prompted, enter your the credential you use to log into your Mac and click Install Software.

      1. credential prompt

    12. Click Install Printer Driver Only on the Fiery Drive Installer window.

      1. fiery driver install only window

    13. Click Continue for driver only prompt.
    14. Click Close after the driver has been installed successfully.
    15. Click Move to Trash on the next prompt.

Configure/Install Printer

    1. From the Apple menu, choose System Preferences.

      1. System Preferences menu

    2. From the system preferences window, choose Printers & Scanners.

      1. System preferences window

    3. Click ”+” to add a printer

      1. Printers and Scanners window

    4. On the ribbon right-click (control + click) and choose Customize Toolbar.

      1. Add printer window customize toolbar menu

    5. Drag Advanced Gear icon to ribbon.

      1. Drag and drop advanced option to the toolbar

    6. Click Done.
    7. Click Advanced Gear icon, it will start spinning and searching for printers.
    8. When the search is complete, in Type drop down menu and choose Windows printer via spools.
    9. In the URL field enter the network address exactly as shown below.
      1. Available SOAD printers
        Note: If you have updated your OS from Ventura, you may need to add ?encryption=no to the URL
        1. smb://pcweb.uwstout.edu/APPA_119_ImagePress_1
        2. smb://pcweb.uwstout.edu/APPA_119_ImageRunner_1
    1. In the Name field enter the name of the printer exactly as shown below.
      1. APPA_119_ImagePress_1
      2. APPA_119_ImageRunner_1
    2. Put in the location of the printer:  Applied Arts 119.

      1. Example of printer settings

    3. In Use drop down menu and click Select Software.
    4. Find the appropriate driver for the printer model from the list which was installed from the Install Print Drivers section above.
      1. Select Canon iPR Svr G200 V1.0 for APPA_119_ImagePress_1
      2. Select Canon iR-ADV C5700s-P2 PSV1.1 for APPA_119_ImageRunner_1
    5. Click OK.

      1. Driver list

    6. If settings are correct, a prompt will appear to create new printer.  Click Continue.
    7. Select the available options to install for the printer.

Make sure these options are selected or they will not be available during print.

        1. ImagePress options:
          1. Stack Bypass
          2. Booklet Finisher
        2. ImageRunner options:
          1. Cassette feeding unit-AM1

The network printer has been successfully installed. The first time you send a print job, the system will force you to authenticate.

    1. Enter your UW-Stout username and password using the below format for your username. Select Remember this password in my Keychain.
    2. Username format: uwstout-mail\[username]

Keywordssoad art design digital print printing lab dlp osx printing papercut student students install canon imagepress imagerunner A   Doc ID121256
OwnerCheng C.GroupUW Stout
Created2022-09-12 14:25:41Updated2024-04-18 11:54:08
SitesUW Stout
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