BP Logix: Terminology


Words or phrases frequently used or referred to within the BP Logix platform.


BP Logix - A business process automation platform that can automate and improve critical processes / workflow.
Form - An online interactive web page that allows user input and can be submitted for further processing by other users.
Form Instance - A form that has already been submitted and a timeline has been started.
Knowledge View - The BP Logix term for a report of data captured by one or more forms. Allows users to view data related to active or completed processes.  They can be configured to show data from either a single process, or several processes.  The layout is similar to a spreadsheet, where each column represents a data point, such as form name, requester name, date submitted, etc., and each line represents a form instance.
Process Map - Outlines the individual steps within a process, identifying task owners and detailing expected timelines. They are particularly helpful in communicating processes among stakeholders and revealing areas of improvement. Most process maps start at a macro level and then provide more detail as necessary.  Maps are often built in Microsoft Viso.
Timeline - This is the BP Logix term for a workflow or process flow which can include activities such as email notifications, form assignments (approvals for example), and database integration.
Workflow - A system for managing repetitive processes and tasks which occur in a particular order. They are the mechanism by which people and enterprises accomplish their work.

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KeywordsKey words, terms   Doc ID126874
OwnerDan K.GroupUW Stout
Created2023-03-27 08:01:30Updated2023-03-27 09:03:41
SitesUW Stout
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