LIT Loaner Printer Setup

This Knowledge base will guide a user on how to set up the loaner printer from LIT onto their laptop.
  • LIT can provide a loaner printer to departments for events as needed. 
  • This printer is an un-managed USB connect device that doesn't require Papercut or funding strings.
  • Departments will need to provide their own paper for the loaner printer. 

Your device may automatically detect or find a driver for the printer when installing but in case it doesn't, please follow these steps under Printer Driver Download before the installation.

*Mac devices may need to download the drivers before installing*

Printer Driver Download

1. Download the Ricoh MPC306 printer's drivers following this link: RICH MPC306 Drivers

2. Select your OS, by default it may be windows 10, click on "Choose other OS" option for other options.

Select your OS
Other OS Select OS

3. Download the latest drivers for the Ricoh MpC306 printer, the very top option is always the most updated.


Choose latest drivers to download

4. Once downloaded, find the location of where the driver was downloaded to and double click on it to open, then unzip all files to the default location.  You will then be ready to install the loaner printer.

Extract drivers

Connect the USB-A to USB-B cable on the printer to both computer device and printer then follow the steps for your device below.

Windows Install

1. Windows search for "Printers" and select "Printers & Scanners"

Windows search for printers

2. Click on "Add a device" 

Click on Add a Device

3. Wait for "The printer that I want isn't listed" to appear and select "add manually"

Wait for add a device manually

4. Select "Add a local printer with manual settings" then click Next

Add a local printer manually

5. Drop down menu, change LPT1: (Printer port) to USB Option, click Next

Select USB Port

6. Select Ricoh under Manufacturer.  Then either Ricoh universal driver under Printers.  Click Next.

Select Ricoh Universal Driver

7. If asked, "Which version of the driver do you want to use?" select "Currently installed"

Use currently installed

8. If you wish to name the printer something different from the default you may, otherwise leave as is and click Next. 

Name the installed printer

9. Success!  You've installed the loaner LIT printer on your device.  Click Finish. 

Success!  Click Finish!

10. The loaner printer should now show up on the list of printers as the name that you gave it.

Printer listed

11. When printing remember to connect the USB cable from the printer to your device.  The printer should now show up as a print option.

Print option

Mac Install

  1. Connect the USB cable to your Mac device. If you see a message prompting you to download new software, make sure to download and install it.
  2. If there isn't a message prompt for new software download. Follow the Steps in the Printer Driver Download section above.
  3. Once the drivers are installed, the Ricoh printer should now be among the list of printers in your Printers & Scanners settings.


loaner printer, printer, loaner, LIT printer, setup, usb print, loan, Mac printer, HP printer, mac, hp loanerprinter 
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Tenchi X. in UW Stout
UW Stout