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Problems Projecting: Simple Tips for Classrooms

Tips for projector issues in a classroom

Windows Computer

If the projector is on and the HDMI cable connected and nothing is displaying

  • Windows Key+P to duplicate the laptop screen
    Windows Key + P

  • If in PowerPoint, begin the SlideShow presentation. Even if it isn't displaying from PowerPoint, it may project when a slide show is started.
  • Reboot with the HDMI cable plugged in
  • If using a display adapter, plug the adapter into the HDMI cable before plugging the adapter into the computer

Apple Computer

  • Command+F1 to mirror (duplicate) the laptop screen (or to turn off mirroring)
    Command Key + F1

  • To add the mirroring to the menu bar open the Apple Menu->System Preferences->Display
    • Click the Arrangement tab
    • Set to Mirror Displays
    • Show Mirroring Options on menu for future use if it is unchecked

Apple Display Preferences

  • If using a display adapter, plug the adapter into the HDMI cable before plugging the adapter into the computer

Keywordsclassroom project screen display projector   Doc ID55983
OwnerNick D.GroupUW Stout
Created2015-09-06 11:42:52Updated2024-06-19 14:36:51
SitesUW Stout
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