(iOS) Connect to eduroam

How to connect your iOS mobile device to eduroam.
  1. Open Settings

  2. Tap Wi-Fi

    wiFi Not connected

  3. Tap eduroam

    select eduroam

  4. Enter your UW-Stout email and your email password (For Example - John Doe - doej@my.uwstout.edu)

    enter username and passwrod

  5. If this screen shows up, click Trust

    trust the certificate

  6. You should now be connected to eduroam.

    Connected to eduroam

Keywordsiphone, wi-fi, wifi, internet, mobile, phone, apple   Doc ID76066
OwnerHeidi C.GroupUW Stout
Created2017-08-25 09:00:44Updated2024-06-03 08:40:55
SitesUW Stout
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