2-Step (Append Mode): Obtaining a One Time Passcode for Systems using Append Mode

If you have lost or forgotten your 2-Step FOB, you can generate a one-time passcode that can be used to complete 2-Step. This passcode can then be used to login to protected services that require append mode. This one-time passcode is good for one use and must be used within 60 minutes of issuance. In order to generate a one-time passcode, you will need to sign in and provide the answers to your security questions. If you have lost your 2-Step FOB, please contact the Technology Helpdesk immediately.

These directions are for clients that use a 2-Step FOB to generate passcodes to log into systems that use append mode, such as ImageNow or AnyConnect.


1. Visit the one-time passcode site located at https://smidp.uwstout.edu/otp.aspx.

2. Sign in with your username and password.
3. After clicking on the continue button you will be prompted to answer your security questions.

4. Successful answering of your security questions will provide you with a one-time passcode and at what time it will expire.
5. Use this passcode by appending it (password+comma+passcode) in the password field, for example: MySuperP@ssword,114198966

Please Note: This is a single use code. You will need to generate a new code for each system you need to log into.


Keywords2Step duo imagenow perceptive experience forgot fob token   Doc ID86149
OwnerCheng C.GroupUW Stout
Created2018-09-30 15:38:50Updated2023-12-08 08:29:53
SitesUW Stout
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