2-Step: Tips and Reminders

Here are some tips and reminders when using 2-Step Authentication:


  • Before you choose one of the authentication methods options, check the Remember me for 12 hours box.
  • Always have your FOB with you when you are ready to log in.
  • Do not press the green button on your FOB until after you have clicked on the Enter a Passcode button on the authentication window.
  • Enter the six digit code that appears on your FOB immediately.  You will have 90 seconds after you click on the Enter a Passcode to enter the six digit code.
  • Your token can get "out of sync" if the button is pressed too many times in a row.
  • Avoid storing your FOB in a location where the green button can be accidentally be pressed.  This can happen by accident if the token is stored next to other objects in a pocket, backpack, purse etc. 
  • Store your FOB is a safe location

DUO Mobile Device Users

  • Before you choose one of the authentication methods options, check the Remember me for 12 hours box.
  • Open your Mobile Device App before you begin the 2-Step Authentication login process
  • If you are requesting a passcode on your mobile device,  you will have 90 seconds after you open the DUO app to enter your 6 digit code passcode.

Here is a a link to Duo's documentation for troubleshooting common issues.  https://guide.duo.com/common-issues

Keywords2-step, 2 step, duo, FOB, authentication   Doc ID87857
OwnerHeidi C.GroupUW Stout
Created2018-11-19 14:11:41Updated2020-01-02 10:23:07
SitesUW Stout
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