Topics Map > Service Catalog > Device support > Asset Management
Topics Map > Service Catalog > Device support > Device deployment
Asset Management: What happens after a faculty/staff computer is ordered?
The process by which C-numbered computers are added to departmental inventories
Departments are responsible for providing faculty and staff with an appropriate computer hardware with help from their IT Consultant.
Life Cycle of a Computer Setup
- Computer is ordered through Procurement and Materials Management
- Computer is received at central receiving.
- Computer only (not monitor or peripheral equipment) is delivered to Sorensen Hall for C-Number creation and a print out of C-Number sticker applied (monitors and peripherals are delivered directly to the end user)
- The Computer is imaged and prepared for setup.
- A help desk ticket is created for the intended user and contact made to schedule setup
- Following delivery and setup the ticket is closed and the user is notified.