News and Announcements

DUO is Moving to Microsoft Authenticator

Posted: 2024-01-23 11:28:11   Expiration: 2024-10-01 11:28:11

UW-Stout is moving from DUO to Microsoft Authenticator for Multi Factor Authentication


LIT is currently working to move Multi Factor Authentication, also known as "2 Factor" from DUO to Microsoft Authenticator. This is a significant project for LIT and will require a phased roll out. We have approximately 150 applications that require MFA and each application requires vendor engagement to make the change. Because of this phased approach, users will temporarily be using both DUO and MS Authenticator until all applications have been transitioned to Authenticator.

The first application that will be moved over is Microsoft 365. This means that all users will use MS Authenticator when they are prompted to authenticate to all Microsoft 365 web based products including Outlook, Teams, Word, Etc. Users will continue to use DUO for all other applications.

FOB Users: Current FOB/Tokens will not work with Microsoft Authenticator. If you are currently using a FOB, we highly recommend that you switch to Mobile Authentication. The FOBs will no longer be centrally funded so if you want to continue to use a FOB/Token, please contact your business manager. 

Enroll in Microsoft's Authenticator 

If you have not enrolled in Authenticator, you will receive a message from Microsoft that reads "More information required" when accessing Microsoft 365 online, including Outlook, SharePoint, Teams, Word, etc. You can begin the process to enroll in Microsoft Authenticator by clicking Next.

Duo will continue to be used for all other applications at this time.


Microsoft Authentication Timeline 

January - Complete

  • Initial communications to introduce the project - No Action is Required

February - Complete

  • LIT will begin adding small groups of users to Microsoft Authenticator and when people access any Microsoft 365 web based application, they will be prompted to download the Microsoft Authenticator App and enroll. 
  • Information will also be shared with campus on how to download the MS Authenticator App and enroll in advance, so you are prepared when the official switch takes place in March.
  • Users can begin enrolling in MS Authenticator (See Microsoft Authenticator: Enrollment Using a Mobile Device

March / April - Complete

  • March 4th - Users will begin seeing messages with an invitation to enroll
  • March 19th - Microsoft Authenticator will be activated for all users. Users will be prompted to authenticate using Authenticator, when a risky scenario requires authentication.
    • DUO will continue to be used for all other applications.
  • April 15th - Authenticator will be activated for all FOB users.
  • April 22nd - A Beta version of My Apps (New Common Logins) will be available. (See: My Apps (New Common Logins)



Summer/Early Fall

  • Throughout the summer all other applications will be converted to MS Authenticator. (See Microsoft Authenticator Timeline
  • LIT will communicate these changes as they are rolled out.
  • You will continue to use DUO for applications that have not been converted.


  • All 150 applications will require MS Authenticator.
  • DUO will no longer be used.

-- UW Stout
KnowledgeBase: Heidi Catlin