On Campus Printing Installation (Mac)

How to install the Papercut mobility print app for students or faculty/staff.

*Please Note:  You will need to be connected to Stout Secure or connect to VPN to download and install the Mobility Print app. If you receive an error when installing the app, please try again.  If you continue to get an error, contact the Technology Help Desk.

  1. Click this link to download the PaperCut installer: Paper Cut Mobility Print Client

  2. In your downloads folder, click the file that was just downloaded.

  3. Double-click on the PaperCut Mobility Print Client.pkg to run the package.

    Example of the .pkg file that needs to be run

  4. Follow the installer prompts to agree to the terms and conditions then click Install.

  5. When prompted, enter your username and password.
    NOTE FOR STUDENTS: This is your username and password to log into the computer NOT your Stout username and password.

    Example of the admin credentials prompt

  6. The printers will be installed automatically.

    Example of the success message

  7. When printing for the first time, you will be prompted for a username and password. Enter your Stout username and password.

You can check that printers are installed by going to System Preferences > Printers & Scanners. You will see the printers that are installed and available:

Example of installed printers
If printing to a residence hall printer, select the ResHall_FollowMe. If printing to a public printer, such as in the library, you will select the Public_FollowMe printer.

Keywordspapercut paper cut mac apple os osx print printing mobile mobility app application install need res hall reshall residence student students housing   Doc ID106299
OwnerTenchi X.GroupUW Stout
Created2020-10-01 08:24:01Updated2023-03-22 16:14:27
SitesUW Stout
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