BP Logix: Home Page / Interface Overview

This article provides some basic terminology as well as an explanation of the BP Logix home page and other reports, or "Knowledge Views" available to users.

BP Logix Home Page

Upon logging into BP Logix, you will be brought to the home page.  The home page contains several tabs at the top of the screen.  Each tab shows different information and serves a different purpose.

BP Logix header containing all the tabs
  • My Tasks - List of all the tasks assigned to the current user including:
    • Tasks that are waiting for you to complete so the workflow can progress.
    • Forms you've started, but have not submitted.
    • Documents that you have checked out.

  • My Submitted, In Process, Requests - Lists all outstanding forms still in a workflow that were submitted by the current user.

  • Knowledge Views and Reports - Lists all of the Knowledge Views and Reports the current user has permissions to run.

  • Forms I Can Submit - Lists all of the forms the current user has permissions to submit.

  • Processes I Participated In - Lists all the processes where the current user participated (has touched) in some way.  Items will appear here regardless of workflow status.
    This includes any...
    • items you submitted
    • items you approved
    • items where you were a notified party

  • Search - A "form" search that returns any form instances with matching data in any form text field.

  • My Settings - Each user has a profile that contains settings and information about their User ID (see more information below).

  • BP Help - List of KB articles related to BP Logix.

  • HelpDesk - Link to the Help Desk ticketing system to report technical support issues.

  • Logoff - Click this link to logoff the BP Logix system and exit

If unfamiliar with some of the terminology used here, please see: BP Logix: Terminology

My Settings

User profile maintenance screenshot

Picture Image

A picture of each user can be uploaded to BP Logix. The image will appear in the user information box for each user.

Signature Image

An optional signature image file can be associated with a user ID causing it to be displayed next to their name in the Routing Slip when they complete their task

User Delegation

BP Logix features two methods of delegating tasks. Standard Delegation enables you to assign all tasks from a delegator to a specified delegate, automatically assigning the tasks to the delegate while the delegation is active. Shared Delegation enables you to share tasks, by enabling the delegate to complete tasks that are assigned to the delegator on an optional basis. Using Standard Delegation always assigns all tasks to the delegate, while Shared Delegation enables the delegate to view and complete tasks on an ad hoc basis.

Standard Delegation

Tasks assigned to one user can be delegated to another user. When using standard delegation, all of the delegated tasks will be assigned directly to the delegated user until such time as the delegation is revoked.  When a user delegates to another that is already running in the same step/activity, the original user is canceled and the other user is left running.

Shared Delegation

Shared delegation enables specified users to complete tasks for the delegator, but doesn't automatically assign tasks to the delegate. Instead, shared delegation gives the delegate access to the delegator's tasks, so that the delegate can complete them, if necessary or desired.

KeywordsBP Logix, error message, knowledge view, home page, bplogix   Doc ID111961
OwnerDan K.GroupUW Stout
Created2021-06-28 09:16:14Updated2023-03-27 10:27:06
SitesUW Stout
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