Topics Map > Service Catalog > Telecommunications services > Telephone/Voice Communications

Types of Phone Lines Available

Type of Telephone lines available to order.
The campus has converted its phone system to VOIP (Voice over IP).  Your phone connection runs over the network now.  That is the only kind of phone connection.

For a list of additional features available to order with a phone lines, please review the following KB Article:  [Link for document 49212 is unavailable at this time]

Note: If you have any questions, please contact the Technology Helpdesk at 715-232-5000 or

KeywordsTelephone, Line, Type, kind, sort, category, available, supported, provided, offered.   Doc ID49264
OwnerRick G.GroupUW Stout
Created2015-03-19 14:35:27Updated2019-09-16 15:34:21
SitesUW Stout
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