Topics Map > Service Catalog > Communications and collaboration services > Email

Outlook: Reporting Phishing Emails

This article walks you through an easy way to report phishing emails to Stout and Microsoft.
What does reporting do?

Desktop Application

  1. Navigate to the email you would like to report.

  2. In the ribbon, select Report Message > Phishing.

    Report Message

    Report Message

  3. There will be a few seconds where you see "Sending Phishing Report" under the email subject line.

  4. The email will then be removed from your inbox and a report is sent to both Microsoft and UW Stout. This report gives us important information to help stop future phishing emails.

Web Application

  1. Navigate to the email you would like to report and double-click it. This will open the message in a new window.

    Open the Email in a New Window

  2. In the upper right of the email, near the Reply All button, you will see the Report Message button or Junk menu drop down on new outlook web client.

    Report Message
    Junk drop menu for reporting phishing

  3. Click the Report Message button and then select Phishing.


  4. The email will then be removed from your inbox and a report is sent to both Microsoft and UW Stout. This report gives us important information to help stop future phishing emails.

    Email Successfully Reported

Keywordsreport phish fish fishing phishing virus spam email outlook block owa junk   Doc ID89962
OwnerAdam F.GroupUW Stout
Created2019-02-22 12:17:07Updated2024-08-28 11:04:48
SitesUW Stout
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