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eStout Student Laptop Program: Pickup for new, continuing, and re-entry students

Laptop distribution for students eligible for an eStout laptop

Currently Scheduled Laptop Distribution Dates

Fall and Spring Semester Laptop Pickup

Eligible eStout students entering Stout during either the Fall or Spring semester will receive information via e-mail about laptop distribution dates and times. More information can be found on the eStout site.

  • Freshmen residing in the residence halls will attend laptop pickup with their floor under the direction of their orientation leaders
  • New students and transfers not residing in residence halls will receive pickup information as part of their orientation
  • Continuing and re-entry students not currently assigned a laptop can pickup laptops during scheduled refresh/exchange

Summer and WinTerm Laptop Pickup

Eligible eStout students entering Stout during WinTerm or Summer Term will receive information via e-mail. Summer and WinTerm deployment takes place at the Technology Help Desk, 109 Sorensen Hall beginning the first day of WinTerm or Pre-summer session between 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. Appointments are not always necessary, but details will be included in the informational e-mail.

General Information about Laptop Pickup

  • At laptop deployment, students will receive the laptop, necessary accessories, and a backpack (backpacks are only provided with a student's first eStout laptop).
  • A UW-Stout Student ID (Stout BlueCard or temporary ID) is required for all laptop deployments. A laptop will not be issued without a University issued ID card. Please contact the Campus Card Office with questions on obtaining a Stout BlueCard.
  • Backpacks are provided only with a student's first laptop.
  • Students who believe they may be eligible for a laptop who have not received an email notification of eligibility for a given semester should contact

eStout Student Laptop Computer Agreement

At the time of pickup, students will be asked to sign the eStout Student Laptop Computer Agreement. The student agrees to take reasonable care of the computer and to bear the risk of damage until it is returned to the University. If the computer is found to be damaged during inspection by a University authorized repair technician, the University may charge the student for that damage. The student is also responsible for the full replacement cost of any lost, damaged or missing accessories. No accessories may be returned after the laptop is turned in. All charges will be added to the student's University account.

In the event that the computer is not returned within stated time frame, the University may place a hold on the student's university record, bill them for the replacement cost of the computer and/or a $400 fee, or file a loss claim with the University's insurance company which would initiate repossession or police investigative action.

laptop deploy deployment pick-up pickup pick up distribution schedule 
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Owned by:
Krista R. in UW Stout
UW Stout