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Kaltura Capture: Downloading Kaltura Capture
These steps will walk you through how to download Kaltura Capture. Kaltura Capture allows users to record and upload videos to Canvas courses.
1. Go to your Canvas homepage
- At the upper left of the page, click on Account, then My Media

2. On the My Media page, select the Add New drop down and choose Kaltura Capture.

3. The first time you use Kaltura Capture you will have to download the program. Select either the download for Windows or Mac depending on the computer you are using.
4. Install the program by following the prompts of the Setup Wizard (Next>Next>Install>Finish). The installation process may take a few minutes.

5. After installation is complete, the Kaltura Capture icon will be added to you desktop.

6. Go back My Media in Canvas.
- Click on Add New to access Kaltura Capture.
- Kaltura Capture needs to run from My Media the first time it is used.
- If you attempt to access Kaltura Capture on your desktop before running it once from My Media, it will prompt you with an error message: "Please launch Kaltura Capture from the "Add New" menu on your website."
- Kaltura Capture needs to run from My Media the first time it is used.