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Canvas: Tagging My Media Content

Tags are a keyword or term assigned to an entry to help describe it and allow it to be found again through a search. You should make tags as meaningful and relevant to the media as possible so that they will be useful in a search. You can add as many tags as you want. Tags can be a useful way to group your media. For instance, if you have several pieces of media for one course, it’s a good idea to tag them with the same course title or code so that they can be located together in a search.

Steps to tag your Media content:

  1. Open your My Media. 
  2. In Canvas click Account and select My Media.
  3. Click the pencil next to the media you would like to tag.

    Edit pencil in My Media

  4. Enter the desired tag(s) in the Tags field.
  5. Click Save. 

Tags button and save button.

Tag, My Media, Canvas, Caption, Close caption, 
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Marty W. in UW Stout
UW Stout