Topics Map > Service Catalog > Instructional Technologies and Learning Services > Learning Management Support
Canvas: Creating a content link in a page
In Canvas, instructors have the ability to link other content within a page. To link a page, assignment, quiz, announcement, discussions, modules and course navigation tools to a page, please do the following:
Once you are in a page, either select Insert > Links > Course Links from the top, left menu (1) or select the Links icon > Course Links at the center of the rich content editor (2).
Select the dropdown to the other content you would like to link within the page from the bump-out menu on the right, such as an assignment (3).
Select the specific name of the assignment you would like to link within the page (4).

4. Once the assignment is selected, a hyperlink will appear within the Rich Text Editor (RTE) (5). This hyperlink will take the student to the active assignment once the page is saved and published (6).