My Apps (New Common Logins)

My Apps is a portal for UW-Stout apps and logins.

Stout's new "My Apps" Portal will be replacing UW-Stout's Common Logins page. Faculty, staff and students will login and authenticate when accessing the page.

My Apps Portal

 UW-Stout Apps: Default Apps

Several applications have been added as default apps for students and staff. These apps can be arranged by the users and moved to different sections but can not be removed. 

Stout Default Apps

Adding Apps

Many UW-Stout Applications have been added to the App Catalog and can be added to your portal.

Click on Add Apps on the left navigation to view and search the App Catalog. Click on Add to add them to your portal.

Add Apps from the App Catalog


A Favorites section has been added that you can customize. Drag and drop from the UW-Stout Apps section or add them from the App Catalog

Favorites section

Adding Sections

Users can add their own sections to customize their portal.

Click on Add Section in the left navigation or in the main section. 

Add Sections to your portal

Drag apps to this new section as desired.

Drag Apps to section


Click on your account name in the upper right corner and select Preferences.


Recently Used

You can add a Recently Used section that will display your recently used apps. Turn on Recently Used

Personalize by turning on the Recently Used Section.


Change how apps are display for your browser. You can choose a grid view or list view.

layout options in the portal

common logins apps login okta myapps 
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Owned by:
Heidi C. in UW Stout
UW Stout