Perceptive Content

Where on campus this software is installed and licensing information
ImageNow is the document imaging system of  UW-Stout. ImageNow is a reliable solution for document management needs. In addition to the electronic storage capabilities, ImageNow offers a powerful workflow component that can be used to process documents "electronically."

How to get this software:

Students:  Currently not licensed for student use

Faculty/staff:  Through Software Center on a PC.  Mac computers should use Perceptive Experience and can be accessed on all browsers and multiple devices.

Computer Lab(s) where this software is installed:  Not installed on lab computers

KeywordsImageNow Image Now WebNow Web Now Perceptive Experience client   Doc ID77897
OwnerPeggy K.GroupUW Stout
Created2017-11-02 11:41:26Updated2023-06-16 10:12:15
SitesUW Stout
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