Collaborative workspace :: Collaborative workspace - Service description


College, Departmental, and committees intranet and collaboration utilities are delivered and hosted via the Microsoft Office 365 subscription.  The service provides a suite of tools for managing content, such as documents, event calendars, announcements, tasks lists, and facilitates collaboration via wikis, blogs, and discussion forums

Getting Help:  

To request to use campus credentials to access a system create a ticket with the Technology Help Desk. The Infrastructure Services server team will contact you to configure the system.


There is no cost associated to college, department or end user for this service.


24/7/365; The SharePoint service which is hosted by Microsoft strives for 100% uptime. Requests for new sites or changes to an existing sites will be processed during normal work hours.


Service Level Expectation:  24/7/365; Service tickets submitted to UW-Stout Help Desk for setup, login, and assistance with use of SharePoint system will be responded to within 48 hours.

Results: 1-12 of 12

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Microsoft Teams: Change video backgrounds1041202024-10-032552
2SharePoint: Creating and Using Calendars877492024-10-0396774
3OneDrive Desktop (Windows 10): Protect My Files877072024-10-0369301
4OneDrive Desktop (Windows 11): Sync and backup1270312024-10-031102
5SharePoint: Converting Classic Sharepoint Team Sites to Modern877342024-09-163412
6Adding External Users to SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive Folders or Items950162023-10-092875
7Create a Team from an existing SharePoint site or Outlook Group1061302023-10-022880
8SharePoint: Removing Synced SharePoint Libraries from File Explorer921152023-10-02109788
9BP Logix Approvals1070112023-03-242328
10Non-UW-Stout Applications and Services Guidelines705032022-09-124685
11SharePoint: Share Files and Folders from Team Sites694582022-03-076749
12UW-Stout Cloud Data Storage and Processing705062021-09-276022

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