EAB NAVIGATE: Appointment Summary Reports

How to record an appointment summary in Navigate after an appointment.

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Why Submit an Appointment Summary Report

  • They are a record of any interaction with a student
  • They are saved reports that are available in the Student Profile on their History tab
  • They are accessible to anyone with permission to view the student's profile (FERPA directed)
  • They can be completed for both scheduled and ad hoc/drop-in appointments

How to Submit an Appointment Summary Report

Scheduled Appointments including those scheduled with PAL

  1. From your Home Page select the Appointments tab.
  2. Scroll to the Reporting section and find the Recent Appointment for which you would like to create a report.
  3. Select the box beside the Upcoming or Recent Appointment.
  4. Click on the Actions dropdown menu and click Add Appointment Summary.
  5. A dialogue box will open with the Summary Report template pre-filled with some of the information.
  6. Input any additional necessary information and save the report.
  7. Once the report is saved, in the Recent Appointments table, the Report Filed? column will show a green box.
    • The report can also be found in the Student's Profile and History tab.

Ad Hoc or Drop-in Appointments

There are two ways to create an Appointment Summary Report for ad hoc/drop-in appointments, here is the first way:
  1. From your Home Page locate the student in your My Assigned Students list.
  2. Click the box next to the student's name.
  3. Click on the Actions dropdown menu and click Add Appointment Summary.
  4. Follow the "Schedule Appointments" instructions starting at #5.
The second way to create an Appointment Summary Report for ad hoc/drop-in appointments is:
  1. Navigate to the Student's Profile page.
  2. In the Staff Alert menu in the right-side navigation, click Report on Appointment.
  3. Follow the "Schedule Appointments" instructions starting at #5.

Review AppointmentSummaryReports.pdf for more details.

Faculty & staff members can find additional helpful materials in the EAB Navigate Training Course (self-enroll link) on the Canvas platform.


KeywordsNavigate, Appointment Summary Reports, Campaign, EAB, EAB Navigate   Doc ID97107
OwnerAmy M.GroupUW Stout
Created2020-01-14 17:23:03Updated2024-06-04 14:37:58
SitesUW Stout
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