EAB NAVIGATE: Progress Reports

How to find your student lists and report on students via Progress Reports

UW-Stout Navigate Logo

Instructors will receive an email invite regarding early alerts for students enrolled in specific courses. The courses selected tend to be those with high populations of first-year students and transfer students. See ProgressReports for an overview of the process or ProgressReportHowTos for instructions about submitting progress report alerts. Summary information follows.

How to find your list of students:

Instructors can choose to use the link provided in the invite email or can log into Navigate to obtain a list of their students who are associated with the progress report campaign. For courses not included in the Progress Report Campaign, instructors may submit concerns through the Issue an Alert feature in Navigate.

  • In the email invite, look for: Click to Begin Entering Student Feedback  This link will take you to your student list.
  • Or
  • Log into EAB Navigate from the Common Stout Log-ins page with your UW-Stout credentials to see a large yellow banner saying Fill Out... to get to the student list.

Viewing your student list:

Your list will appear in alphabetical order by class session. You can pause and return when time allows or submit immediately. The following outlines the columns you will see on your progress report list:
  • Student Name
  • At-High Risk to Fail Your Class
    • Yes - please provide more information in additional columns
    • No - no risk/concern
    • If left blank, you are indicating the student is not currently at risk
  • Alert Reasons
    • Select highest priority as an email is sent for every different reason. Indicate at least one reasons as to why the student is at risk
    • See list below
  • How Many Absences
    • Indicate the number of approximate classes missed
  • Current Grade
    • Select an approximate current grade for the student
    • If a current grade is unavailable, what grade would the student receive if they continued this type of work
  • Comments
    • Add any additional comments that might be helpful to a campus resource who may reach out to assist this student 
    • Students can see the comments in the Navigate Student App
Click Submit only marked students to pause or Submit unmarked students to indicate completion.

Alert Reasons

Based upon the Alert Reason selected, the following actions will occur:

Alert ReasonWill the student receive an email?Will a case be created and who is it assigned to? Will the instructor receive more information?
Progress Report Alerts

*Attendance ConcernYesNoThe student is emailed a message to connect with the course instructor.
*Concern for grades in the courseYesYesYes, an instructor is emailed when the case closes. Cases close with a meeting, referral, or 3 attempts with no contact.
*Consider withdrawing from courseYesYesYes, an instructor is emailed when the case closes. Cases close with a meeting, referral, or 3 attempts with no contact.
*Improve in-person and/or online engagementYesYesYes, an instructor is emailed when the case closes. Cases close with a meeting, referral, or 3 attempts with no contact.
*Student should seek tutoringYesNoThe student is emailed a message to connect with the tutoring services and given locations and times available.
Ad Hoc AlertsAcademic support (attend, engage more, seek tutor)YesYes, the case is assigned to a support team member based upon associated categories. Yes, an instructor is emailed when the case closes. Cases close with a meeting, referral, or 3 attempts with no contact.
Consider dropping the courseYesYes, the case is assigned to a support team member based upon associated categories.Yes, an instructor is emailed when the case closes. Cases close with a meeting, referral, or 3 attempts with no contact.
Financial supportYesYes, referrals are made based on the situation.Yes, an instructor is emailed when the case closes. 
Health & wellbeing supportYesYes, the Dean of Students Office determines action.Yes, an instructor is emailed when the case closes. 
Inability to contact student after multiple attemptsYesYes, the Dean of Students Office determines action.Yes, an instructor is emailed when the case closes.
Major & career counseling and supportNoNo, Advisor will determine action from email.No.
On-campus housing supportNoYes, the Housing coordinator staff will respond.Yes, an instructor is emailed when the case closes.

Use this chart to determine if the situation warrants contacting Dean of Students or Police.

Friendly Reminder about Comments

Comments in Navigate are part of a student's academic record and will be seen by the student, their advisors, and student success teams.  As such, please share issues in a constructive way and avoid sharing details about protected information like specific health or ability diagnoses that a student may have shared with you.
  • DO SHARE: Health concerns kept student from attending class.
  • DO SHARE: Issues outside of the classroom are affecting academic performance.
  • DO NOT SHARE: Student shared they are being treated for depression and haven't attended class.
If the nature of a student's behavior is worrisome to you, it may warrant a more detailed report to the Dean of Students' Office.  This could include behaviors such as:
  • Concerning or Threatening Behavior
  • Sexual Misconduct
  • Hate and Bias Incidents
  • Crimes Against Children
  • General Incidents (any other concern)
If you have concerns about Academic Misconduct, please review the procedure and process here.

Faculty & staff members can find additional helpful materials in the EAB Navigate Training Course (self-enroll link) on the Canvas platform.

KeywordsNavigate, Progress Reports, EAB, EAB Navigate   Doc ID98340
OwnerAmy M.GroupUW Stout
Created2020-02-28 14:48:13Updated2024-06-04 14:37:58
SitesUW Stout
Feedback  0   0