App Launcher (Office 365)
The icon in Microsoft 365 used to switch between apps.
Azure Development Tools for Teaching
Microsoft Development Tools for Teaching -- Formerly Microsoft Imagine, DreamSpark Premium (formerly MSDN Academic Alliance (MSDNAA)) is a Microsoft program available to all Stout students and faculty in order to acquire licensed copies of some Microsoft software.
Go to
Support can be obtained by calling Microsoft at (866) 643-9421
This program is not available to staff.
ePortfolio is a tool for students of the School of Education. ePortfolio accounts are created by the user; Stout credentials are not used. More information can be found on the School of Education's ePortfolio website.
eStout Student Laptop Transfer Program
An eStout program that transfers ownership of a two-year-old laptop, or older, to qualifying graduates at no additional cost.
FileZilla is a curriculum-based file transfer application used in some courses as directed by the instructor. Students should contact their instructor with questions or visit the FileZilla documentation site.
Films on Demand and Alexander Street Video
The University of Wisconsin-Stout Library provides access to over 188,000 streaming videos. Access to Films on Demand, Academic Video Online: AVON (Alexander Street), Kanopy Streaming Video, Docuseek2, Swank Digital Campus, Feature Films for Education, LinkedIN Learning, and more.
These educational online streaming services hosted by the UW-Stout Library. Instructors can incorporate videos into courses provided through Canvas.
A FOB is a standalone, one-time password device for multi factor authentication. The FOB provides a security token that allows access to a network service for users who do not have a compatible mobile phone for the authentication app.
To request a FOB please create a Help Desk ticket following this link: Create a Stout HelpDesk Ticket
Please include in the ticket you are requesting a FOB due to mobile not compatible with the authentication app.
Multifactor Authentication/MFA (2-Step)
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security system that requires more than one method of authentication from independent categories of credentials to verify the user's identity for a login or other transaction.
Perceptive Content: Capture Profile
- Capture Profiles:
- Printing options when printing documents into the Perceptive Content Desktop Client.
- Users can have as many capture profile options they need.
- Capture profiles are saved locally on computers under the users login.
- Capture profiles can route the document to a specific workflow queue.
- Capture profiles are backed up and can be restored when needed.
- If you are using a new computer, you will need to recreate your capture profiles or request the backup copy from the Technology HelpDesk.
- See here for more information: Perceptive Content: Capture Profile_Re-install_Backup (
ImageNow: Capture Profile Forms Workflow
ImageNow: Capture Profile HR ES Forms
ImageNow: Capture Profile Card Access
ImageNow: Capture Profile Batch Mode
Perceptive Content: Folders
- Folders (also known as Projects) bundle documents together in groups, similar to a manila folder.
- The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs uses folders for routing grants for approvals.
- Admissions uses folders for their student records.
- When routing folders through workflow.
- Desktop Client: The routing options are found at the top of the folder, all documents need to be closed in-order to route the folder.
- Perceptive Experience: Routing options will be at the top of the page, all documents need to be closed in-order to route the folder.
Perceptive Content: Forms Workflow
The Forms Workflow is unique to UW-Stout.
- It is a temporary holding area for documents to be stored, routed, and signed.
- The L_Forms drawer is a holding drawer.
- No documents permanently live in L_Forms drawer.
- Once the documents are processed, they are re-indexed into their permanent drawer.
Forms Application plan: ~L_Forms
- F1 = Last Name, First Name (can be left blank if document isn’t associated to a person)
- F2 = Username (automatically populated)
- F3 = Date/Time (automatically populated)
- F4 = Subject (for additional information if needed, can be left blank)
- F5 = Reservation # or Payroll ID (Leave blank, this one is for Dining or HR)
- Document Type (you must select the correct document type - it may affect later archiving and routing)
Perceptive Content: Prefixes
Prefixes: What do they mean?
How does the University of Wisconsin - Stout use prefixes within Perceptive Content (ImageNow)
Prefixes represent the department that owns the drawers, views, document types.
Prefix | Department Owner |
J | University of Wisconsin - River Falls |
L | University of Wisconsin - Stout |
L_AC | Advisement Center |
L_Acct | Accounting Services |
L_ADM | Admissions |
L_ART | Art Department |
L_CCO | Campus Card Office |
L_CO | Chancellor's Office |
L_Curr | Curriculum |
L_Disability Services | Disability Services |
L_DOS | Dean of Students Office |
L_DS | Dining Services |
L_E-Stout | Client Tech Services |
L_EIS | Enterprise Information Systems |
L_FinAid | Financial Aid |
L_Forms | Temporary Holding drawer |
L_GS | Graduate Studies |
L_HC | Honors College |
L_HR | Human Resources |
L_HS | Hazard Assessments |
L_IM | Marketing Communications (MarCom) |
L_IRS | Instructional Resources |
L_OIE | Office of International Education |
L_PARQ | Planning, Assessment, Research, and Quality (PARQ) |
L_Perk | Perkins Load/Collections |
L_PMM | Procurement and Materials Management |
L_PO | Provost Office |
L_PP | Facilities Management |
L_PSYC | Psychology Department |
L_RC | Rehabilitation & Counseling Department |
L_RM | Safety and Risk Management |
L_RR | Registration and Records |
L_RS | Office of Research and Sponsored Programs |
L_SBS | Student Business Services |
L_Senate | Senate of Academic Staff |
L_SO | Stout Online - Distance Education |
L_SOE | School of Education |
L_SPS | Security and Police Services |
L_STTI | Stout Technology Transfer Institute |
L_SVRI | Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute |
L_UF | University Advancement (University Foundation) |
L_VC | Vice Chancellor's Office (ASLS) |
L_WC | Writing Center |
Perceptive Content: Workflow Queue
- Electronic in basket.
- Holds documents for processing.
- Workflow queues are based on permissions and processes.
- People may have multiple workflow queues.
Perceptive Content: Available Information
The following information is available to you because you have an ImageNow/Perceptive Content Account
- Accounting Documents – Invoices, Travel Docs
- Curriculum Documents – Courses, Minutes, Program
- Instructional Resources – Books for Courses
- Purchase Orders
- Declaration of Authority
- Fleet Vehicle Reservation
- Registration & Records Curriculum Changes
- Senate Information
IP telephony software that lets users send and receive telephone calls over the internet using a computer rather than using dedicated telephone hardware. It is typically used with a headset and microphone.