2-Step Login
Two-Step Login provides an additional layer of security when you log into systems that contain sensitive data. Two-Step Login, also known as Multi-Factor Authentication, helps protect sensitive data and guard against increasingly sophisticated email and online scams (e.g., phishing attacks) that can leave you vulnerable to identity theft. Like similar services offered by Google, Apple and Facebook, you log in by entering your username and passphrase and then confirm your login with an enrolled device, such as your smartphone.
AccessStout is UW-Stout's Student Information System. It is used by applicants and students to register, view grades, account balances, and access other personal information. It is also used by faculty to enter grades and facilitate advising.
Adjunct Instructor Pool
The Adjunct Instructor Pool application form is the online tool for submitting application materials for the University of Wisconsin-Stout's adjunct instructor pool. People submit applications to be considered for a teaching position through UW-Stout Online.
The Adjunct Instructor Pool does NOT use campus credentials; applicants create a username and password and provide an email address. An email is sent to that address and the user must click to verify and activate their login information prior to being able to log in.
For assistance:
UW-Stout Online
321 Sorensen Hall
121 10th Avenue E.
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751
Administrator Account
Computer administrators can change security settings, install software and hardware, and access all files on the computer. Administrators can also make changes to other user accounts. This is a computer-level permission and does not apply to any other computers or resources. Administrative access is rarely needed, however, if necessary, Admin by Request can be used to temporarily elevate privileges on a Windows or Macintosh computer.
Azure Development Tools for Teaching
Microsoft Development Tools for Teaching -- Formerly Microsoft Imagine, DreamSpark Premium (formerly MSDN Academic Alliance (MSDNAA)) is a Microsoft program available to all Stout students and faculty in order to acquire licensed copies of some Microsoft software.
Go to https://azureforeducation.microsoft.com/devtools
Support can be obtained by calling Microsoft at (866) 643-9421
This program is not available to staff.
BankMobile Disbursements
Refunds for overpayment of tuition are distributed by BankMobile Disbursements (formerly HigherOne). Please visit Student Business Services refund page for more information about eRefunds.
Campus Directory
The UW-Stout campus directory is an online directory of some faculty and staff. A full directory of faculty, students and staff can be found on the People Directory on StoutCloud.
Directory and Address Information: Changing or suppressing
Digital instruction materials.
Stout's Instructional Resources Service maintains a SharePoint website for students and faculty.
Technical Support during office hours:
(715) 232-2492
EMS Online Reservation System
Event Management System - Campus room/event scheduling system.
For on-campus reservation requests:
UW-Stout Reservations Office - mscreservations@uwstout.edu
For general assignment classroom reservations:
UW-Stout Registration and Records Office - classrooms@uwstout.edu
ePortfolio is a tool for students of the School of Education. ePortfolio accounts are created by the user; Stout credentials are not used. More information can be found on the School of Education's ePortfolio website.
The UW-Stout eStout Technology Advantage program, which includes the student laptop, is the digital learning environment at UW-Stout. Eligible students receive a laptop computer, a backpack, software, service and support via the Technology Help Desk, wireless and wired connectivity (on campus), and multimedia classrooms. The eStout program is included in the undergraduate student tuition of eligible UW-Stout students.
eStout Student Laptop Transfer Program
An eStout program that transfers ownership of a two-year-old laptop, or older, to qualifying graduates at no additional cost.
Films on Demand and Alexander Street Video
The University of Wisconsin-Stout Library provides access to over 188,000 streaming videos. Access to Films on Demand, Academic Video Online: AVON (Alexander Street), Kanopy Streaming Video, Docuseek2, Swank Digital Campus, Feature Films for Education, LinkedIN Learning, and more.
These educational online streaming services hosted by the UW-Stout Library. Instructors can incorporate videos into courses provided through Canvas.
Global Address List
The Global Address List (GAL) is a directory of users within UW-Stout's Office 365 environment. It is commonly referred to as People in the 365 environment. It contains the names and e-mail addresses of faculty and staff at UW-Stout. HR creates and maintains the GAL. The GAL can also contain e-mail addresses for external contacts, distribution lists, conference rooms, and equipment.
HRS (Human Resource System)
HRS is UW System's Human Resource System. Many employees access HRS to punch in, enter absence requests, and perform other HR-related functions. Access is granted by the Human Resourses Office.
Library Databases and Resources
Access to Library subscription databases is available to students who are currently enrolled and to all currently-employed faculty and staff plus emeritus. Library staff maintain a page explaining eligibility, along with a list of common problems.
Local User Account
In Windows, a local computer user is one whose username and encrypted password are stored on the computer itself. When you log in as a local user, the computer checks its own list of users and its own password file to see if you are allowed to log into the computer. The computer itself then applies all the permissions (e.g., "can use the CD-ROM", "can install programs") and restrictions (e.g., "cannot install programs") that are assigned to you for that computer.
Multifactor Authentication/MFA (2-Step)
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security system that requires more than one method of authentication from independent categories of credentials to verify the user's identity for a login or other transaction.
Outlook Web App (OWA)
Microsoft's web-based email client, part of Microsoft 365, is used to check Stout email from a web browser.
Perceptive Content: Application Plans
- Users will only see the application plans they have permissions to see.
- Application plans set the drawer, the document type options, and sometimes document keys.
- The list of document types is predefined by the application plan.
- Application plans can use Access Stout to “scrape” information to the index keys.
- Document keys store additional information about your documents and enable users to easily filter and retrieve documents stored in Perceptive Content
- Application plans are used to set the values that are used for easy retrieval of electronic documents.
Perceptive Content: Batches
- Multiple documents can be scanned or printed into ImageNow all at once.
- The documents can be indexed later or by someone other than the originator.
- The group of documents can be indexed to multiple individuals.
- "Batches" listed on the ImageNow tool bar.
- Batched documents are stored here until indexed for processing or storage.
Perceptive Content: Capture Profile
- Capture Profiles:
- Printing options when printing documents into the Perceptive Content Desktop Client.
- Users can have as many capture profile options they need.
- Capture profiles are saved locally on computers under the users login.
- Capture profiles can route the document to a specific workflow queue.
- Capture profiles are backed up and can be restored when needed.
- If you are using a new computer, you will need to recreate your capture profiles or request the backup copy from the Technology HelpDesk.
- See here for more information: Perceptive Content: Capture Profile_Re-install_Backup (uwstout.edu)
ImageNow: Capture Profile Forms Workflow
ImageNow: Capture Profile HR ES Forms
ImageNow: Capture Profile Card Access
ImageNow: Capture Profile Batch Mode
Perceptive Content: Delete a Document
- Documents that are no longer needed, can be routed to:
- "L_Forms Delete Forms" workflow queue,
- Use the route anywhere or route forward for this option
- The document will route to the delete queue based on the prefix of the document type
- Most delete queues are set with an automated delete timer and will delete the document from workflow queue after 30 days.
- Human Resources documents will automatically delete after 120 days.
- For forms located in the Registration and Records workflows (e.g. substitutions and waivers), those can be routed to L_AC_1 Sub/Waiver Deny.
Perceptive Content: Document Properties
General Definition:
- The values that are needed to find the electronic document later.
- Includes Document Keys and Custom Properties
- Document properties are used to:
- Store
- Secure
- Retrieve documents
Technical Definition:
- Document Keys are the values added to the document for searching and indexing.
- Drawer
- Field 1
- Field 2
- Field 3
- Field 4
- Field 5
- Document type
- Custom properties qualify as document properties also.
- Custom Properties are similar to document keys. The biggest difference is that the Imaging Team can create custom properties for each document type.
Perceptive Content: Document Type
Perceptive Content: Document Type
Document type tells us what kind of document it is.
Technical Definition:
- Document type uniquely categorizes a document.
- Permissions can be assigned at the Document Type level as well.
- We use the document type for automated routing, especially in the L_1Forms Complete workflow queue.
- Document types begin with the department prefix.
Perceptive Content: Drawers
ImageNow: Drawers
- Drawers are where the documents are stored in the electronic file cabinet.
- Permissions are usually set at the drawer level.
Technical Definition:
- Drawers provide the first hierarchical level of organization for ImageNow/Perceptive Content documents.
- A drawer is used to separate documents and folders into logical categories.
- Some users think of drawers as individual departments or as a file cabinet drawer.
- Drawers are created based on permissions – who needs to view/process the documents that live in a specific drawer.
Perceptive Content: Folders
- Folders (also known as Projects) bundle documents together in groups, similar to a manila folder.
- The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs uses folders for routing grants for approvals.
- Admissions uses folders for their student records.
- When routing folders through workflow.
- Desktop Client: The routing options are found at the top of the folder, all documents need to be closed in-order to route the folder.
- Perceptive Experience: Routing options will be at the top of the page, all documents need to be closed in-order to route the folder.
Perceptive Content: Forms Workflow
The Forms Workflow is unique to UW-Stout.
- It is a temporary holding area for documents to be stored, routed, and signed.
- The L_Forms drawer is a holding drawer.
- No documents permanently live in L_Forms drawer.
- Once the documents are processed, they are re-indexed into their permanent drawer.
Forms Application plan: ~L_Forms
- F1 = Last Name, First Name (can be left blank if document isn’t associated to a person)
- F2 = Username (automatically populated)
- F3 = Date/Time (automatically populated)
- F4 = Subject (for additional information if needed, can be left blank)
- F5 = Reservation # or Payroll ID (Leave blank, this one is for Dining or HR)
- Document Type (you must select the correct document type - it may affect later archiving and routing)
Perceptive Content: Index Standards
University of Wisconsin-Stout: Index Standards for Perceptive Content (ImageNow)
- Date: yyyy-mm-dd (ex. 2015-07-01 must show leading zeros)
- PO Number: FY#### (ex. 150001 this is a six digit number)
- Campus ID: ####### (seven digit number)
- Employee ID: ######## (eight digit number)
- Payroll ID: ######## (eight digit number)
- Name: Last, First (legal name versus preferred name)
- Course ID: SUBJECT course# section# (ex. MUSIC 396B 903C) no dashes used
- Term: yyyyXXX (ex. 2015FA, 2015WIN, 2015SP, 2015SU)
- Funding: ###-#-###### (FUND-PROG-UDDS) (EX. 102-1-811001)
- UDDS: ###### (six digit number) (ex. 811001)
Perceptive Content: Indexing (Linking)
ImageNow-Perceptive Content Linking: The process that assigns the document keys for document retrieval.
- This process is currently used by a couple of departments on campus.
- Indexing:
- Application plans are used during the linking/indexing/scraping process.
- Defines designated fields that will be used to hold data in order for fast and seamless document retrieval.
- Scraping:
- Is the process of using Access Stout (also known as PeopleSoft) to populate the fields.
- This process helps to eliminate human error.
- Auto indexing process:
- Routing a document through workflow to set the index values of the document.
- Most common re-indexing work flow queues are:
- global_reindex_ft5: uses field 5 campus ID.
- global_reindex_ft5_empl: uses field 5 empl ID.
- Scripts within the workflow queue will set the Campus ID, Name, and Empl ID.
- Scripts use the Access Stout database for this process.
- Scraping:
- Is the process of using Access Stout (also known as PeopleSoft) to populate the fields.
- This process helps to eliminate human error.
- Re-linking
- The L_Forms drawer documents will be “re-linked” once they are processed
- The document will be assigned its permanent index fields.
- Custom Properties
- An option when more index fields are needed.
Perceptive Content: Perceptive Content Desktop Client vs Perceptive Experience
Perceptive Experience:
Recommended for faculty/staff who are processing/signing documents
Web version - no installation required
Perceptive Experience login option can be found on the My Apps dashboard
All browsers are supported
2-step authentication is required: 2-Step Authentication
Perceptive Content Desktop Client:
Recommended for staff who need to print documents into Perceptive Content for archival/processing purposes
Compatible with Windows computers only
- Mac Computers - Perceptive Content desktop client isn't supported
Allows printing documents into the system and processing volumes documents
Installing the client: Software Center
2-step authentication is required 2-Step Authentication
Perceptive Content: Prefixes
Prefixes: What do they mean?
How does the University of Wisconsin - Stout use prefixes within Perceptive Content (ImageNow)
Prefixes represent the department that owns the drawers, views, document types.
Prefix | Department Owner |
J | University of Wisconsin - River Falls |
L | University of Wisconsin - Stout |
L_AC | Advisement Center |
L_Acct | Accounting Services |
L_ADM | Admissions |
L_ART | Art Department |
L_CCO | Campus Card Office |
L_CO | Chancellor's Office |
L_Curr | Curriculum |
L_Disability Services | Disability Services |
L_DOS | Dean of Students Office |
L_DS | Dining Services |
L_E-Stout | Client Tech Services |
L_EIS | Enterprise Information Systems |
L_FinAid | Financial Aid |
L_Forms | Temporary Holding drawer |
L_GS | Graduate Studies |
L_HC | Honors College |
L_HR | Human Resources |
L_HS | Hazard Assessments |
L_IM | Marketing Communications (MarCom) |
L_IRS | Instructional Resources |
L_OIE | Office of International Education |
L_PARQ | Planning, Assessment, Research, and Quality (PARQ) |
L_Perk | Perkins Load/Collections |
L_PMM | Procurement and Materials Management |
L_PO | Provost Office |
L_PP | Facilities Management |
L_PSYC | Psychology Department |
L_RC | Rehabilitation & Counseling Department |
L_RM | Safety and Risk Management |
L_RR | Registration and Records |
L_RS | Office of Research and Sponsored Programs |
L_SBS | Student Business Services |
L_Senate | Senate of Academic Staff |
L_SO | Stout Online - Distance Education |
L_SOE | School of Education |
L_SPS | Security and Police Services |
L_STTI | Stout Technology Transfer Institute |
L_SVRI | Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute |
L_UF | University Advancement (University Foundation) |
L_VC | Vice Chancellor's Office (ASLS) |
L_WC | Writing Center |
Perceptive Content: Thumbnails
- Shows the pages of the documents at the bottom on the screen.
- This feature can be turned on or off by the user as needed.
Perceptive Content (Desktop Client)
- Click View > Thumbnails
Perceptive Experience (Web Client)
- Click the Show or Hide Thumbnails button (top right, 9 squares in a grid).
Perceptive Content: Thumbnails
Perceptive Content: What is it?
ImageNow/Perceptive Content/Perceptive Experience is an electronic file system with electronic in baskets.
ImageNow is an enterprise document management system with workflow capabilities. ImageNow is used extensively across campus in place of paper for secure document storage, faster retrieval and dissemination.
ImageNow provides the following:
Secure Electronic Document Storage (electronic file cabinet)
Electronic Workflow (electronic in basket)
Allows document sharing across campus
Perceptive Content: Workflow Queue
- Electronic in basket.
- Holds documents for processing.
- Workflow queues are based on permissions and processes.
- People may have multiple workflow queues.
Perceptive Content: Available Information
The following information is available to you because you have an ImageNow/Perceptive Content Account
- Accounting Documents – Invoices, Travel Docs
- Curriculum Documents – Courses, Minutes, Program
- Instructional Resources – Books for Courses
- Purchase Orders
- Declaration of Authority
- Fleet Vehicle Reservation
- Registration & Records Curriculum Changes
- Senate Information
Perceptive Content: Views
- Views contain search options & filters for quick document retrieval
- How to turn on the view mode: Turn on/off the Views Pane
- Toolbar default settings: Setting Defaults
- Views and Search Options can be updated or added by submitting a HelpDesk ticket.
- Views are accessed from the "Documents" section of Perceptive Content/Experience
Perceptive Content Desktop Client:
Perceptive Experience Web Client:
POTS (Plain old telephone service) The typical, familiar model of a single phone line and a single phone number.
Qualtrics is the online survey program licensed through the UW-System. Access to this tool is available to all Stout faculty, staff and students; no access request is necessary.
IP telephony software that lets users send and receive telephone calls over the internet using a computer rather than using dedicated telephone hardware. It is typically used with a headset and microphone.
Student Technological Assistance and Resources organization (STAR), a self-managed student organization that performs numerous invaluable services in support of campus technology including the front line support provided by the Technology Help Desk.
Stout Share
Stout Share is the system by which students can share information found within Access Stout with parents and others to whom they delegate permission.
AccessStout (StoutShare): Delegate Access Explained for Parents and others
AccessStout (Stout Share): Share My Information - Students
AccessStout (Stout Share): Delegated Access to a Student's AccessStout account
StoutAlert (powered by Rave) is the campus' emergency alert and notification system. Please contact University Police with questions or visit their StoutAlert site.
Talent Acquisition Manager (TAM)
The UW-System-hosted system used for recruitment of new employees. Access is granted for hiring managers and hiring committee members when a recruitment is initiated with the Human Resources Department. No prior access request is necessary. Please contact HR with questions.
Tax Documents: getmydocument.com
Student Business Services (SBS) emails tax info (1098-T/1098-E) to students. Using the information provided in the email, students then retrieve tax documents from getmydocument.com. Tax-related emails to students originate from UW-System administration (example: 1098@eforms.uwsa.edu).Visit the SBS site for more information.
As with any email requesting action that you did not initiate, if you are concerned that the message may not be legitimate, contact the office of origin for verification.
TMA is the system used by Physical Plant for the submission and management of work requests. See their website for login information.
Work requests for classroom lights, heating/cooling, clocks, and other facilities issues (non-computer or audio-visual) should be submitted to the Physical Plant via TMA.
Token (2-Step)
A security token (also referred to as a hardware token) is a small hardware device carried by a user to authorize access to a network service. The device may be in the form of an embedded key fob.
WinEst is an application managed by the Construction Department for Construction students. Students should contact their Construction instructors and faculty or the department chair for information.