2-Step Login

Two-Step Login provides an additional layer of security when you log into systems that contain sensitive data. Two-Step Login, also known as Multi-Factor Authentication, helps protect sensitive data and guard against increasingly sophisticated email and online scams (e.g., phishing attacks) that can leave you vulnerable to identity theft. Like similar services offered by Google, Apple and Facebook, you log in by entering your username and passphrase and then confirm your login with an enrolled device, such as your smartphone.

Azure Development Tools for Teaching

Microsoft Development Tools for Teaching -- Formerly Microsoft Imagine, DreamSpark Premium (formerly MSDN Academic Alliance (MSDNAA)) is a Microsoft program available to all Stout students and faculty in order to acquire licensed copies of some Microsoft software. 

Go to https://azureforeducation.microsoft.com/devtools

Support can be obtained by calling Microsoft at (866) 643-9421

This program is not available to staff.


Curriculog is the workflow system used to generate and route curriculum changes, including new and revised courses, programs, and submajors. A ​Two-Page-Curriculog-User-Guide.pdf icon Best Practices and Helpful Tips document has been created to assist users. Users can also refer to Guidelines and Curriculog Instructions webpage within the Curriculum Handbook for additional directions and Curriculog snapshots.

Please contact the Provost’s Office with any questions at 715-232-2421.

eStout Student Laptop Transfer Program

An eStout program that transfers ownership of a two-year-old laptop, or older, to qualifying graduates at no additional cost.

Global Address List

The Global Address List (GAL) is a directory of users within UW-Stout's Office 365 environment.  It is commonly referred to as People in the 365 environment.  It contains the names and e-mail addresses of faculty and staff at UW-Stout. HR creates and maintains the GAL. The GAL can also contain e-mail addresses for external contacts, distribution lists, conference rooms, and equipment.

Perceptive Content: Indexing (Linking)

ImageNow-Perceptive Content Linking:   The process that assigns the document keys for document retrieval.

  • This process is currently used by a couple of departments on campus.
  •  Indexing:
    • Application plans are used during the linking/indexing/scraping process.
    • Defines designated fields that will be used to hold data in order for fast and seamless document retrieval.
  • Scraping:
    • Is the process of using Access Stout (also known as PeopleSoft) to populate the fields.
    • This process helps to eliminate human error.
  • Auto indexing process:
    • Routing a document through workflow to set the index values of the document.
    • Most common re-indexing work flow queues are:
      • global_reindex_ft5: uses field 5 campus ID.
      • global_reindex_ft5_empl: uses field 5 empl ID.
    • Scripts within the workflow queue will set the Campus ID, Name, and Empl ID.
    • Scripts use the Access Stout database for this process.
  • Scraping:
    • Is the process of using Access Stout (also known as PeopleSoft) to populate the fields.
    • This process helps to eliminate human error.
  • Re-linking
    • The L_Forms drawer documents will be “re-linked” once they are processed
    • The document will be assigned its permanent index fields.
  • Custom Properties
    • An option when more index fields are needed.


Reimaging is the process of reinstalling a computer's operating system and default campus applications. A backup should always be performed by the user prior to a reimage. This applies to all students, faculty, and staff. All reimages will be done at the Technology Help Desk in Sorensen Hall. See Data Responsibility and Backup.

Talent Acquisition Manager (TAM)

The UW-System-hosted system used for recruitment of new employees. Access is granted for hiring managers and hiring committee members when a recruitment is initiated with the Human Resources Department. No prior access request is necessary. Please contact HR with questions.

Tax Documents: getmydocument.com

Student Business Services (SBS) emails tax info (1098-T/1098-E) to students.  Using the information provided in the email, students then retrieve tax documents from getmydocument.com. Tax-related emails to students originate from UW-System administration (example: 1098@eforms.uwsa.edu).Visit the SBS site for more information.

As with any email requesting action that you did not initiate, if you are concerned that the message may not be legitimate, contact the office of origin for verification.