Digital instruction materials.
Stout's Instructional Resources Service maintains a SharePoint websitefor students and faculty.
Technical Support during office hours:
(715) 232-2492
Films on Demand and Alexander Street Video
Films on Demand and Alexander Street Video are educational online streaming services hosted by the UW-Stout Library. Instructors can incorporate videos into courses provided through Canvas.
Perceptive Content: Indexing (Linking)
ImageNow-Perceptive Content Linking: The process that assigns the document keys for document retrieval.
- This process is currently used by a couple of departments on campus.
- Indexing:
- Application plans are used during the linking/indexing/scraping process.
- Defines designated fields that will be used to hold data in order for fast and seamless document retrieval.
- Scraping:
- Is the process of using Access Stout (also known as PeopleSoft) to populate the fields.
- This process helps to eliminate human error.
- Auto indexing process:
- Routing a document through workflow to set the index values of the document.
- Most common re-indexing work flow queues are:
- global_reindex_ft5: uses field 5 campus ID.
- global_reindex_ft5_empl: uses field 5 empl ID.
- Scripts within the workflow queue will set the Campus ID, Name, and Empl ID.
- Scripts use the Access Stout database for this process.
- Scraping:
- Is the process of using Access Stout (also known as PeopleSoft) to populate the fields.
- This process helps to eliminate human error.
- Re-linking
- The L_Forms drawer documents will be “re-linked” once they are processed
- The document will be assigned its permanent index fields.
- Custom Properties
- An option when more index fields are needed.
Perceptive Content: Perceptive Content Desktop Client vs Perceptive Experience
Perceptive Experience:
Recommended for faculty/staff who are processing/signing documents
Web version - no installation required
Perceptive Experience login option can be found on the StoutCloud homepage
All browsers are supported
2-step authentication is required: 2-Step Authentication
Perceptive Content Desktop Client:
Recommended for staff who need to print documents into Perceptive Content for archival/processing purposes
Compatible with Windows computers only
- Mac Computers - Perceptive Content desktop client isn't supported
Allows printing documents into the system and processing volumes documents
Installing the client: Software Center
2-step authentication is required 2-Step Authentication
Perceptive Content: Prefixes
Prefixes: What do they mean?
How does the University of Wisconsin - Stout use prefixes within Perceptive Content (ImageNow)
Prefixes represent the department that owns the drawers, views, document types.
Prefix | Department Owner |
J | University of Wisconsin - River Falls |
L | University of Wisconsin - Stout |
L_AC | Advisement Center |
L_Acct | Accounting Services |
L_ADM | Admissions |
L_ART | Art Department |
L_CCO | Campus Card Office |
L_CO | Chancellor's Office |
L_Curr | Curriculum |
L_Disability Services | Disability Services |
L_DOS | Dean of Students Office |
L_DS | Dining Services |
L_E-Stout | Client Tech Services |
L_EIS | Enterprise Information Systems |
L_FinAid | Financial Aid |
L_Forms | Temporary Holding drawer |
L_GS | Graduate Studies |
L_HC | Honors College |
L_HR | Human Resources |
L_HS | Hazard Assessments |
L_IM | Marketing Communications (MarCom) |
L_IRS | Instructional Resources |
L_OIE | Office of International Education |
L_PARQ | Planning, Assessment, Research, and Quality (PARQ) |
L_Perk | Perkins Load/Collections |
L_PMM | Procurement and Materials Management |
L_PO | Provost Office |
L_PP | Facilities Management |
L_PSYC | Psychology Department |
L_RC | Rehabilitation & Counseling Department |
L_RM | Safety and Risk Management |
L_RR | Registration and Records |
L_RS | Office of Research and Sponsored Programs |
L_SBS | Student Business Services |
L_Senate | Senate of Academic Staff |
L_SO | Stout Online - Distance Education |
L_SOE | School of Education |
L_SPS | Security and Police Services |
L_STTI | Stout Technology Transfer Institute |
L_SVRI | Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute |
L_UF | University Advancement (University Foundation) |
L_VC | Vice Chancellor's Office (ASLS) |
L_WC | Writing Center |