Azure Development Tools for Teaching
Microsoft Development Tools for Teaching -- Formerly Microsoft Imagine, DreamSpark Premium (formerly MSDN Academic Alliance (MSDNAA)) is a Microsoft program available to all Stout students and faculty in order to acquire licensed copies of some Microsoft software.
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Support can be obtained by calling Microsoft at (866) 643-9421
This program is not available to staff.
Device (2-Step)
A device is what is used to access the duo application. The duo app allows you to use a mobile phone or a tablet to access the mobile application to provide two factor push notifications.
EMS Online Reservation System
Event Management System - Campus room/event scheduling system.
For on-campus reservation requests:
UW-Stout Reservations Office -
For general assignment classroom reservations:
UW-Stout Registration and Records Office -
Films on Demand and Alexander Street Video
Films on Demand and Alexander Street Video are educational online streaming services hosted by the UW-Stout Library. Instructors can incorporate videos into courses provided through Canvas.
Perceptive Content: Annotations
- Annotations are used to add additional information to documents without altering the original document within the ImageNow system.
- Annotations are permissions based.
- Create
- Delete
- Hide
- Modify
- View
- Available annotations:
- Arrow
- Check mark
- Highlighter
- Line
- Pen
- Stamp
- Content needs to be added and can be adjusted if needed.
- Appearance of the stamp can be adjusted.
- Signature stamp is used for approving internal documents.
- Sticky note.
- Text.
Perceptive Content: Application Plans
- Users will only see the application plans they have permissions to see.
- Application plans set the drawer, the document type options, and sometimes document keys.
- The list of document types is predefined by the application plan.
- Application plans can use Access Stout to “scrape” information to the index keys.
- Document keys store additional information about your documents and enable users to easily filter and retrieve documents stored in Perceptive Content
- Application plans are used to set the values that are used for easy retrieval of electronic documents.
Perceptive Content: Capture Profile
- Capture Profiles:
- Printing options when printing documents into the Perceptive Content Desktop Client.
- Users can have as many capture profile options they need.
- Capture profiles are saved locally on computers under the users login.
- Capture profiles can route the document to a specific workflow queue.
- Capture profiles are backed up and can be restored when needed.
- If you are using a new computer, you will need to recreate your capture profiles or request the backup copy from the Technology HelpDesk.
- See here for more information: Perceptive Content: Capture Profile_Re-install_Backup (
ImageNow: Capture Profile Forms Workflow
ImageNow: Capture Profile HR ES Forms
ImageNow: Capture Profile Card Access
ImageNow: Capture Profile Batch Mode
Perceptive Content: Delete a Document
- Documents that are no longer needed, can be routed to:
- "L_Forms Delete Forms" workflow queue,
- Use the route anywhere or route forward for this option
- The document will route to the delete queue based on the prefix of the document type
- Most delete queues are set with an automated delete timer and will delete the document from workflow queue after 30 days.
- Human Resources documents will automatically delete after 120 days.
- For forms located in the Registration and Records workflows (e.g. substitutions and waivers), those can be routed to L_AC_1 Sub/Waiver Deny.
Perceptive Content: Document Type
Perceptive Content: Document Type
Document type tells us what kind of document it is.
Technical Definition:
- Document type uniquely categorizes a document.
- Permissions can be assigned at the Document Type level as well.
- We use the document type for automated routing, especially in the L_1Forms Complete workflow queue.
- Document types begin with the department prefix.
Perceptive Content: Folders
- Folders (also known as Projects) bundle documents together in groups, similar to a manila folder.
- The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs uses folders for routing grants for approvals.
- Admissions uses folders for their student records.
- When routing folders through workflow.
- Desktop Client: The routing options are found at the top of the folder, all documents need to be closed in-order to route the folder.
- Perceptive Experience: Routing options will be at the top of the page, all documents need to be closed in-order to route the folder.
Perceptive Content: Forms Workflow
The Forms Workflow is unique to UW-Stout.
- It is a temporary holding area for documents to be stored, routed, and signed.
- The L_Forms drawer is a holding drawer.
- No documents permanently live in L_Forms drawer.
- Once the documents are processed, they are re-indexed into their permanent drawer.
Forms Application plan: ~L_Forms
- F1 = Last Name, First Name (can be left blank if document isn’t associated to a person)
- F2 = Username (automatically populated)
- F3 = Date/Time (automatically populated)
- F4 = Subject (for additional information if needed, can be left blank)
- F5 = Reservation # or Payroll ID (Leave blank, this one is for Dining or HR)
- Document Type (you must select the correct document type - it may affect later archiving and routing)
Perceptive Content: Indexing (Linking)
ImageNow-Perceptive Content Linking: The process that assigns the document keys for document retrieval.
- This process is currently used by a couple of departments on campus.
- Indexing:
- Application plans are used during the linking/indexing/scraping process.
- Defines designated fields that will be used to hold data in order for fast and seamless document retrieval.
- Scraping:
- Is the process of using Access Stout (also known as PeopleSoft) to populate the fields.
- This process helps to eliminate human error.
- Auto indexing process:
- Routing a document through workflow to set the index values of the document.
- Most common re-indexing work flow queues are:
- global_reindex_ft5: uses field 5 campus ID.
- global_reindex_ft5_empl: uses field 5 empl ID.
- Scripts within the workflow queue will set the Campus ID, Name, and Empl ID.
- Scripts use the Access Stout database for this process.
- Scraping:
- Is the process of using Access Stout (also known as PeopleSoft) to populate the fields.
- This process helps to eliminate human error.
- Re-linking
- The L_Forms drawer documents will be “re-linked” once they are processed
- The document will be assigned its permanent index fields.
- Custom Properties
- An option when more index fields are needed.
Perceptive Content: Perceptive Content Desktop Client vs Perceptive Experience
Perceptive Experience:
Recommended for faculty/staff who are processing/signing documents
Web version - no installation required
Perceptive Experience login option can be found on the StoutCloud homepage
All browsers are supported
2-step authentication is required: 2-Step Authentication
Perceptive Content Desktop Client:
Recommended for staff who need to print documents into Perceptive Content for archival/processing purposes
Compatible with Windows computers only
- Mac Computers - Perceptive Content desktop client isn't supported
Allows printing documents into the system and processing volumes documents
Installing the client: Software Center
2-step authentication is required 2-Step Authentication
Perceptive Content: Prefixes
Prefixes: What do they mean?
How does the University of Wisconsin - Stout use prefixes within Perceptive Content (ImageNow)
Prefixes represent the department that owns the drawers, views, document types.
Prefix | Department Owner |
J | University of Wisconsin - River Falls |
L | University of Wisconsin - Stout |
L_AC | Advisement Center |
L_Acct | Accounting Services |
L_ADM | Admissions |
L_ART | Art Department |
L_CCO | Campus Card Office |
L_CO | Chancellor's Office |
L_Curr | Curriculum |
L_Disability Services | Disability Services |
L_DOS | Dean of Students Office |
L_DS | Dining Services |
L_E-Stout | Client Tech Services |
L_EIS | Enterprise Information Systems |
L_FinAid | Financial Aid |
L_Forms | Temporary Holding drawer |
L_GS | Graduate Studies |
L_HC | Honors College |
L_HR | Human Resources |
L_HS | Hazard Assessments |
L_IM | Marketing Communications (MarCom) |
L_IRS | Instructional Resources |
L_OIE | Office of International Education |
L_PARQ | Planning, Assessment, Research, and Quality (PARQ) |
L_Perk | Perkins Load/Collections |
L_PMM | Procurement and Materials Management |
L_PO | Provost Office |
L_PP | Facilities Management |
L_PSYC | Psychology Department |
L_RC | Rehabilitation & Counseling Department |
L_RM | Safety and Risk Management |
L_RR | Registration and Records |
L_RS | Office of Research and Sponsored Programs |
L_SBS | Student Business Services |
L_Senate | Senate of Academic Staff |
L_SO | Stout Online - Distance Education |
L_SOE | School of Education |
L_SPS | Security and Police Services |
L_STTI | Stout Technology Transfer Institute |
L_SVRI | Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute |
L_UF | University Advancement (University Foundation) |
L_VC | Vice Chancellor's Office (ASLS) |
L_WC | Writing Center |
Perceptive Content: Route Forward
Route Forward Options
- Is a predefined list.
- The list can be adjusted upon request, with limited exceptions.
- This is the list of people you route to most often.
- Can be referred to as your "short" list.
Perceptive Content: Views
- Customized search options for quick document retrieval
- Customized for your convenience
- L_WebForms (aka Fly Away Forms)
- Specific for finding webforms
- Webforms are forms that submit to ImageNow
- Shows the newest 100 documents
- Specific for finding webforms
- How to turn on the view mode: Turn on/off the Views Pane
- Toolbar default settings: Setting Defaults
- Please contact the Technology Help Desk if an update is needed
Perceptive Content: WebForms
- Webforms are forms that are filled out within a browser.
- The completed form submits directly into Perceptive Content/ImageNow for processing.
- The completed form submits directly into BP Logix.for processing.
Perceptive Content: What is it?
ImageNow/Perceptive Content/Perceptive Experience is an electronic file system with electronic in baskets.
ImageNow is an enterprise document management system with workflow capabilities. ImageNow is used extensively across campus in place of paper for secure document storage, faster retrieval and dissemination.
ImageNow provides the following:
Secure Electronic Document Storage (electronic file cabinet)
Electronic Workflow (electronic in basket)
Allows document sharing across campus
Perceptive Content: Available Information
The following information is available to you because you have an ImageNow/Perceptive Content Account
- 1L_WebForms (aka Fly Away Forms)
- Accounting Documents – Invoices, Travel Docs
- Curriculum Documents – Courses, Minutes, Program
- Instructional Resources – Books for Courses
- Purchase Orders
- Declaration of Authority
- Fleet Vehicle Reservation
- Registration & Records Curriculum Changes
- Senate Information
A virtual private network (VPN) is a technology that creates an encrypted connection over a less secure network. Using a VPN ensures the appropriate level of security to the connected systems when the underlying network infrastructure alone cannot provide it